Name the trigger
Show me
Tell us a time...
Tools and strategies
Multiple choice and T/F

You are so excited to go the park after school with some friends but as you get out of school in the afternoon it begins to thunderstorm and you cannot go anymore. Now you are sad and annoyed as you walk home instead. What was the trigger in this situation?

Thunderstorm/not being able to go to the park


Show me what your body may look like in green zone when you are calm and ready to learn.


Tell us a time at school when you saw somebody else in green zone.


Which tool or strategy may be helpful to move back to green zone from red zone?

- Throwing things at your teacher

- Taking a break and getting a drink of water

- Yelling and slamming the door

- Taking a break and getting a drink of water


Which of the following is NOT one of the zones?

- Blue

- Green

- Yellow

- Purple

- Red



You woke up in a great mood and are ready for the day! When you arrive at school your teacher tells every "hope you are ready for the test today". You totally forgot to study and now you are feeling really worried and feel unprepared. What was the trigger in this scenario?

Forgetting you have a test/forgetting to study


Show me what your body may look like in yellow zone if you are feeling worried and anxious


Tell us a time when you saw a teacher in yellow or red zone.


Which tool may be helpful to move from blue zone (feeling tired) to green zone (ready to learn/work)?

- Taking a break and eating a snack

- Staying up all night 

- Putting your head down on your desk and giving up on homework

Taking a break and eating a snack


True or False: There are no good or bad zones. It is okay to be in each of the different zones in different life situations.



You bring your favorite toy from home to show a few of your friends. During class you leave to use the bathroom and when you get back you notice the toy is not on your desk where you left it. When you look around you see a classmate playing with it without asking! You run over and rip it from their hands and scream "That's mine!" What was the trigger in this situation? Can you think of a better way to get your toy back?

1. Classmate taking toy without asking

2. Ask for help, calmly ask to have it back, take a break and do something else and let classmate try your toy, etc!


Show me what your body may look like in red zone if you are feeling angry and out of control


Tell us a time when you were in yellow zone at school!


Which tool may be helpful to move from yellow zone (anxious/worried) to green zone (calm/focused) before a test? 

- Deep breaths 

- Hitting your teacher and throwing the test across the room

- Refusing to take the test 

- Deep breaths


Sad, Sick, Tired, Bored are all characteristics of the...

Blue, Red, Green, Yellow



You are feeling really angry all day at school and annoyed by EVERYBODY that talks to you. In the afternoon you are sitting at your desk avoiding everyone because they are SO annoying when your teacher tells the class she brought a treat to share with the class. You get so excited and sit up ready to see what she brought. What triggered the zone change in this scenario? What zone were you in? What zone did it move you into?

Teacher bringing the treat to share.

Red -> yellow/green (excited,happy,ready to learn)


Show me and tell me what your body may look like in the blue zone if you are feeling sick and tired.


Tell us a time when you were in blue zone.


Which of these tools may be helpful to move from blue zone (sad) to green zone (calm, happy)?

- Talk to a trusted adult 

- Give everyone the silent treatment

- Hold it in so no one knows

- talk to a trusted adult


Mad, Angry, Mean, Terrified, and Out of Control are all characteristics of the...

Blue, Red, Green, Yellow



You are sitting in your desk doing your classwork when all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off and your teacher says everyone has to leave class and exit the building. When the fire drill ends you get back to your desk but now you can't sit still and no longer feel focused on your class work. What was the trigger in this situation? What zone were you in at the start? What zone might you have ended up in?

- fire alarm

- Green zone

- ended in yellow


Show me what your body may look and feel like if you are elated


Tell us a time at home when you have been in yellow zone.


Tell us one time you used  a tool to calm down and return to green zone?


Whatever Zone you are in when you wake up is the Zone you are in all day there is nothing you can do to change zones during the day

Falses! You can use tools to help you change zones
