What Zone do these feelings belong - Sad, bored, tired, and sick.
Blue Zone
What zone is helpful for learning?
The Green Zone.
True or False
You can be in more than one zone at a time.
What is an emotion in the blue zone?
Which eyes are in the Green Zone?
1 & 4
What Zone do these feelings belong - Overyjoyed/elated, panicked, angry, terrified.
Red Zone
Is this an example of a tool that can get you back into the Green zone?
Playing with Putty
What Zone do we want students in at school?
Name these 2 feelings
Sad & Shy
Which eyes are in the Blue Zone?
1 & 3
What zone do these feelings belong - Worried, frustrated, silly, excited.
What is an example of a calming technique?
Deep breathing, listening to music, coloring, counting to 10
Do ALL tools that can help get us back in the Green zone work for everybody?
Name these 2 feelings.
Happy & Scared
Which eyes are in the yellow Zone
1 & 3
What zone do these feelings belong - Happy, focused, calm, proud.
Green Zone
If I am sick, what zone would I be in?
Blue zone
Using the zones of regulation helps us understand what?
How we are feeling.
Name these 2 feelings
Nervous & Angry
What eyes are in the red zone?
2 & 3
Name all four colors of the zones.
Blue, green, red, yellow.
Are any of these suggestions not helpful?
No! They are all great was to get back to a Green Zone!
True or False: There are no bad zones.
True. No zones are bad. It is okay to feel any feeling. It is what we do with our emotions that matters.
Red - Out of control, furious, mean
What thought would someone most likely NOT think if they were with someone that was in the red zone?
"I'm glad he is my friend"