The name of the organs used by fish to obtain oxygen from water.
What are the gills?
The process that allowed the development for no fins to well developed fins.
What is Evolution?
This fish has a slender-eel like body and mouth full of teeth for attaching to prey.
This class has a skeleton made of bone.
What is OSTEICHTHYES (bony fish)?
Scientists believe this adapted and evolved into lungs.
What is the swim bladder?
Hard plate that covers the gills.
What is the Operculu?
The location/environment in which fish began to involve.
What is shallow shoreline water of Pangea?
This fish has no swim bladder.
What is a shark?
This class has a skeleton made of cartilage.
This adaptation is seen in fish that live in deep ocean depths.
What is the ability to see in the dark/night vision?
Air filled sac.
What is the swim bladder?
Evidence that made Scientists believed the evolution of fish mostly occurred in shallow shoreline environments.
What are fossils?
How all fish in the class Chondrichthyes are alike.
What is composition of their skeletons?
These THREE are included in the class Chondrichthyes.
What are sharks, rays, and skates?
This adaptation is only seen in sharks.
What is the ability to smell/detect blood up to 5 miles away.
System of sensory organs that run down the length of the body.
What is the lateral line?
What is better vision/eyesight?
No operculum and no swim bladder.
What is a shark?
This class include hagfish.
What are Agnathans?
This environment is where fish adapted to colder water temperatures: adjust movements, increased body fat, and anti-freeze proteins.
What is the deep ocean?
Extension of lateral line; mucus filled pores used for sensing magnetic fields.
What is the Ampullae of Lorenzie?
Pisces are thought to have evolved into tetrapods as these things developed over thousands of years.
What are lungs, limbs, better vison, less need for water, etc.... (MOST have said at least 3 things to receive points).
Homocercal dorsal tail fin.
What is a bony fish?
The class that skates below to.
What are Chondrichthyes?
This environment is where fish adaptation to lower salinity levels: maintain the physiological mechanisms that permit them to concentrate salts within their bodies in a salt-deficient environment.
What is fresh water?