Context Clues
Make Inferences
From Fear to Hope
The Statue of Helios

Dolly's legs have been damaged by a disease called polio. Many who survived were like Dolly, left with lifelong damage to their limbs.

What are limbs?

arms or legs


I sat on the bench while mother and Punch went into the room. I was a little worried about Punch, but I knew that he would get good care. As I waited, I watched a tiny puppy wander toward the lady with a cat in a crate. The lady at the desk talked to a man who was buying medicine. Where am I?



The light above shone brightly, warming the cool earth. 

What do you visualize in the sky?

the sun


Name two things that Polio and Covid 19 have in common.

wear masks

infectious diseases

killed many people

vaccines can help 

other answers


When the invading army departed from Rhodes, what did they leave behind? 

a. war machines and weapons

b. a statue of helios

c. fiery torches

d. an Egyptian king

war machines and weapons


During the 1940s and early 50s, Americans mobilized in an all-out crusade against polio.

What does mobilized mean?

organized or came together to take action


The room was dark and quiet. We heard Carl and his mother come in the front door talking. I heard tow girls in the corner giggle nervously.  Another girl told them to be quiet. I hid behind the table where the cake and presents were set out. The tension in the room grew as we waited for them to open the door.

Where am I?

A surprise party.


Jeff wiped his eyes as he pulled himself up on his feet. He brushed off his bruised knees and checked his helmet for signs of damage and picked the bike up off the ground.

What do you visualize?

Jeff got hurt and was wiping tears because he had a bike accident.


Why was polio especially feared?

because it could leave people paralyzed or having difficulty walking. It could also cause people to die and often struck children.


Why did it take 12 years to build the statue of Helios?

a. it was hard to find iron and bronze

b. the statue was huge

c. people could not agree about how it should look

d. there were not enough workers on the island of Rhodes

The statue was huge


To prepare the cafeteria for the big dance, the committee adorned the walls with color streamers and balloons.

What does adorned mean?

to decorate


The line stretched forever. People put their bag on the floor and inched them forward. My father and I removed our shoes. There was an announcement about a gate change and a delay on an arrival from Chicago.
Where am I?

the airport


I had finally gotten used to being weightless. It became a comfortable thing. I especially liked floating by the window to see the planet Earth below.

What do you visualize?

an astronaut in space


What can you infer about Dolly's family? In what ways was Dolly lucky?

You can infer that Dolly's family cared about her very much. They did what they could to comfort and entertain her in the hospital. She was asked to be the flower girl in a wedding. She was lucky because she learned to walk again and could return to school and piano lessons - because she had a loving family.


The weakest part of the statue of Helios must have been its__________

a. head

b. neck

c. knee

d. feet



Brian attempted to see who was riding inside of the limousine, but the opaque window tinting prevented him from getting even the slightest glimpse.

What does opaque mean?

hard to see through, not transparent


I arrived early for my appointment. The place was busy and smelled of chemicals. I found a place to sit as I read through magazines in the waiting area.

Where am I? Give 2 possible answers

the salon, barbershop, or nail salon


My father did not like to wear a crown. He said it was heavy and made his head hurt. While I did not have a crown, my parents made sure I had a silk dress with gold thread for the coronation.

Who do you visualize?

a princess 


What were the Polio Pioneers?

People across the country who raised money for research and getting involved to create a vaccine.


About how tall is the Statue of Liberty?

a. 60 feet

b. 120 feet

c. 200 feet

d. 250 feet

120 feet


When Jose found out that his little brother Emilio carelessly broke Jose's Xbox, Jose was vexed.

What does vexed mean?

very upset or angry

As I entered the door, I thought this was a great way to end the day. The chalkboard men had a list of specialties like sundaes and banana splits. I looked at all the flavors. Chocolate is my favorite, but mint chip sounded good too.

Where am I?

ice cream shop or parlor


I liked walking next to the covered wagon more than riding in it with my sisters. If I got tired, sometimes my father would let me ride horseback behind him. In the evening, Pa, my brothers and I would sleep under the wagon, while Ma and my sisters slept in the wagon. I hoped we would reach the West soon.

Who am I?

A boy or girl settling out West.


Kids learned remotely during the polio epidemic. Name two ways that remote learning is similar to today and two ways it is different.


students don't go to school, parents help at home, worked at desks, challenging for students and families


no internet, no computers, taught over radio during polio


What details tells you that the people of Rhodes feared the sun god Helios?

a. They were afraid Helios would attack them

b. They had many statues of Helios

c. They were afraid of the torch Helios held

d. They did not want to offend Helios by rebuilding the statue after it fell.

They did not want to offend Helios by rebuilding the statue after it fell.
