This air nomad was Aangs guardian, mentor, and father figure before the beginning of the Hundred Year War.
Who is Monk Gyatso
This term is used when a person is fooled into clicking a video expecting one thing, but is greeted with a catchy song that has nothing to do with what the title implied.
What is Rick Rolled?
This person instituted the Seven Sacraments so we can encounter God's grace here on Earth
Who is Jesus Christ?
This YouTuber was once in an epic race with another big YouTube channel for the title of "The Most Subscribed Channel On YouTube" in 2019
What is Pewdiepie?
This famous singer starred in a hit Disney channel show where she plays a popular pop star trying to hide her identity from her friends and classmates.
Who is Miley Cyrus?
According to M. Night Shamamamlalalalalalmalamlamsa,
what is the name of the boy in the iceberg?
What is Awhng?
"Stop, you almost made me drop my --"
What is Croissant?
The ____ is made up of the bishops, who have direct responsibility as successors of the apostles to pass on and teach the faith in a way that is faithful to the teachings of Jesus
What is The Magisterium?
This Youtube channel blew up over the course of 2019-2020, but on its one-year anniversary, the channel was deleted intentionally.
What is Unnas Annus
This musician was named the Best-Selling Global Artist of the Year in 2017
Who is Ed Sheeran
Avatar Wan's animal guide was a ________
What is a Cat Deer
This character depicts a feline pop tart gliding through space while leaving a trail of rainbows
What is Nyan Cat?
This process is to pass down the authority of the church to others.
What is Apostolic Succession?
This children's song is the most viewed video on YouTube with over 8 billion views
What is Baby Shark?
This musical artist has won 8 Grammy awards and has even made a cameo in the hit Disney film: Wreck-it Ralph
Who is Skrillex?
This extremely secure fire nation prison was located on a volcanic island
What is the boiling rock?
This old trend involved dancing to the hit song "My Boo" by Carl Mo and Rodney Terry
What is Running Man?
Allegorical, Moral, and Anagogical are considered to be ____
What are the 3 Spiritual Senses?
This term is used when a Youtube channel is marked for using songs or movie clips without permission.
What is a Copyright Strike?
This musician acted in the newly released movie "Choas Walking" and also the 2012 and 2019 Jumanji movies
Who is Nick Jonas?
This animal was the symbol of the Southern Raiders, the firebenders who executed Katara's mother
What is the Sea Raven?
This old meme is of a man pumping his arms in the air to the song "Dragostea Din Tei"
What is Numa Numa?
This collection of Jewish rabbinical writings makes several references to Jesus and even considers Jesus to be a wise, powerful, and respected teacher who performed miracles and was crucified.
What is The Babylonian Talmud?
The very first YouTube video, published on April 23rd, 2005, was titled _____.
What is Me at the zoo?
This musician quest-starred in the hit Fox show "The Simpsons" and was not credited due to contractual reasons
Who is Michael Jackson?