Zoom Room
To Zoom or Not To Zoom
Zoom etiquette
Zoom Doom
Zoom Zoom

If you need to use the bathroom during zoom meeting, you should:

A. Turn off video, mute and leave computer B. Interrupt the meeting and tell everyone you are going C. Take your computer with you, so you don't miss anything

A. Turn off video, mute and leave computer


If my computer is creating an echo, I should...

Mute myself or stay muted if the host mutes me


Is having your video on necessary?

In a job setting, yes. 

If you are a participant of a large meeting, no. 


What advanced features are not available with a free account? 

They can say any of the ones listed: Breakout rooms, more than 40 minutes of time, cant have translation, etc.


Other peoples pictures are not visible and I can only hear their voices. What button changes the view?

the 9 dots on the top left corner.


When you have something to share you should:

Raise your hand and wait to be called on


If I'm having trouble logging into zoom, I should:

B. Make sure I'm using the right code and ask for help if that doesn't fix it.  You can also call/email the host to let them know you are trying to log in


When you zoom for a meeting, always turn off your_________



If I need to move to another room during a meeting, I should keep my camera on so participants get a tour of my home/office.  True or false?



You have poor connection or a low battery and the screen begins to glitch out. What can I do to stay in the meeting. 

Try turning off your camera and moving to a different room. You can also message the instructor in the chat box and let them know (not completely necessary)


When you come into a zoom meeting after it has started, you should:

keep your microphone muted 


wait until a break to let the staff know you were late


What is the zoom website URL?


Other people or noises in the room while you zoom can be __________________ for participants.



If you have a link to a document/website and wan to share that with the group, how can this be sent out?

Through the chat box!


I should dress like I am going in person for a zoom meeting. I should not be laying down. True or false?



What should your camera be pointing at during meeting?

Your entire face.

You may need to check what your video looks like when you change positions to make sure it still shows your whole face.


Where is the mute botton located and what does it look like?

Bottom left 

Microphone with a slash through it


What are some reactions available through the emoji icons?

Raise my hand, thumbs up/down, heart, clap, ask to speak faster/slower


Should I be eating/snacking while in a meeting?

No, save the snacking when possible if you must eat/drink, mute and turn off your video. 


I should log in 5-10 minutes before the meeting starts. True or False?


Where is the location of the ZOOM invitation?

To the right of "New Meeting" there is a small downward facing arrow. Clicking this will give you Meeting ID options. Use the "copy invitation" option and email this to your participants.


Where can you check your audio and adjust your video for how it displays in your meetings. 

As soon as you enter the meeting or nn Settings! You can test your Audio settings and speakers, adjust video settings and change your background.


How can I blur my background?

In video settings, once you are in a video meeting you can left-click video settings and select "Blur my background"


If I dont know what to do for a zoom feature, where can I look at videos?

In the Zoom Learning Center!


How do you share your screen? How do you then exit the shared screen page?

Click on the center green button. The exit shared screen button is on the top right.
