Name one thing that we can pray about
What job did Zaccheaeus have?
Jesus said "I am the Good Shepherd."
What do we call the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples to pray?
The Lord's Prayer
The Samaritan man
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the...
The Son of Man came to seek and to save the LOST
Jesus often prayed prayers from which book of the Bible?
The Book of Psalms
What event did the people remember during Passover?
They remembered when the angel of the Lord passed over the homes of the Israelites in Egypt.
You will receive the gift of the ....
Acts 2:38
You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
What word means "Yes, yes, it shall be so?"
Name someone in the Old Testament who was a shepherd
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David and Amos
Faith comes from hearing
What book of the Bible is often called "the prayer book of the Bible?"
The book of Psalms
What book of the Bible does the account of Jesus walking with the two men on the road to Emmaus appear in?
The book of Luke
If anyone is in Christ, he is a ....