This position sends out all fees, fines, and dues owed to the sorority
What is the minimum grade point average that is required by the constitution to remain a member of ZOT
2.00 cumulative or semester GPA
What is the fine for a first unexcused event absence
This sister had the cops show up at her freshman dorm 4 times in 1 semester
our founder and date we were founded
Valerie King in 1988
This position conducts all ceremonies and voting
In the instance where a sister is in the 1-1 nursing program will she be able to continue as a full sister while attending NWTC?
Yes, the Constitution allows for sisters to remain as full sisters even when not attending UWGB. This is specific to the 1-1 program
What is the fine for being late to a meeting or event without letting anyone know
In the event the persons of the said organization are tardy, and have not given a prior mention of probable tardiness to the President or Vice President, they will be fined $3.00
This sister pretended to be blind in 1st grade
The majority of sisters have this as their major
This position controls all of the education and organization of the pledges
Does the constitution allow for absentee voting for pledges?
Yes! Section 7 article 4 :Absentee voting for pledges will be allowed at the discretion of the Executive Board. In the case that absentee voting is allowed, all votes must be emailed to the sentinel, 24 hours before.
What is the fine for letting a non member wear letters
$3 - per picture
This sister dyed her eyebrows green
What probation allows for you to vote
This position is the best
Can we vote on a new philanthropy?
Yes, in the event that the philanthropy of choice is not responding, the executive board will choose a new philanthropy that covers the views of the sisterhood and all members of Zeta Omega Tau will vote on the new philanthropy or not.
What is the fine or punishment for missing a confirmed community service event
If a community service event has been “confirmed” (i.e.:names/number of sisters have been sent to the volunteer coordinators of an event) a sister is unable to remove her name from said list. Failure to find a replacement for the event in the event of a sister being unable to go will result in a fine in the amount of $5.00.
This sister dumped peanut butter on her head to get gum out
Emily R
What comes first induction or initiation
This position presides over all the other exec and general members
How many hours of study tables must be completed on academic probation
15 hours per month
What is the fine for posting inappropriate or negative photos or comments on social media that portray ZOT in a bad light?
If the sister fails to remove the item immediately/2 hours following a prompt by an executive board member, she will be fined $10.00 per item.
This sister went to a dual language elementary school and was fluent in spanish by 1st grade
What is our mascot