Science of ZR
The ZR Way
When carpets are in the worst condition, we'll still do our best. This tool goes by this name and has a special rate of?
What is the RX at 30cents / sq ft
ZR has received that Platinum rating by the carpet and rug institute, this rating is based on achieving the highest ratings in these 3 categories.
What is soil removal, water removal and texture retention.
One concept is all about us, while the other focuses on the customer.
What are features and benefits.
Usually rare in commercial settings but the same goes for any sort of bio.
What are pet treatments
It's not about your behavior, but your way of being. And it can be done either from inside or outside.
What is the box. Out of the box, we see people as people. Inside the box, we see people as objects.
Our lowest hourly rate.
What is $150/hr
Faster than traditional methods thanks to our patented high-pressure, controlled spray, these are our average dry times.
What are 4-6 hours.
You meet a potential for the first time, you've got about 30 seconds to make an impression. Good thing you've practiced this.
What is you Elevator Speech? (.... let's hear it)
It's a good thing we offer this service. Like sand on glass, without us you could be causing similar damage.
What is carpet cleaning
When you start to notice these, it's a good sign you're in the box.
What are red flags (examples) - Mental Chatter (talking to myself about the situation) - Showcasing Emotions - Convinced I'm the victim - Exaggerating Values (always / never) - Obsessed with being right - Horribilizing others' faults
Stairs in a commercial setting are sometimes 'a normal size' but often times they are really 'oversized'. The price ranges you should expect to charge for normal and oversized stairs.
What is $4 per stair 4'-5' $6-$8 when oversized.
A substance that acts as a magnet for dirt, dust and debris.
What is residue?
Your client is wishy washy. They love our service but are not really sure what all they really 'need' to get cleaned cleaned right now. But you're prepared to close the deal today, thanks to your foresight and this tactic.
What is offering multiple options.
Your clients are busy, and carpeting is the last thing they want to be thinking about. With this, we take all those cares away.
What are contracts / Maintenance plans.
Carrying so many boxes sure can be heavy. Even on your mind, trying to remember all 4.
What are - Better than (impatient, indifferent) - I deserve (entitled, unappreciated) - Worse than (depressed, envy, needed) - Must be seen as (anxious, stressed, overwhelmed)
From time to time you may run into biological issues in commercial properties too. We have an answer for that, but our topical treatment comes at this charge.
What is $40 / 250 SqFt.
Another great benefit of the ZR cleaning system is that it addresses some of these, the industries top concerns with carpet cleaning.
What are reappearing traffic lanes and long dry times.
This concept can actually positively affect the brain chemistry of your client. Giving them a boost of dopamine and increasing your ability to bank trust and build a relationship.
What is under promise and over deliver. The brains response to promises: Big promises create big expectations and when those expectations are met the brain responds by signaling an increase in dopamine production which makes us, and the person(s) we made the promise to, feel good. On the other hand, when we do not meet expectations the brain signals a decrease in dopamine production. Living out the under promise / over deliver concept 'drugs' your clients.
Sure, we can clean those too. And in many commercial settings we can do it right on site too.
What are area rugs.
It's the conflict where each party is inviting the very things they are complaining about.
What is collusion
Your client has 2500 sq ft of carpeting in decent condition and wants it cleaned quarterly. They also have a second area that requires cleaning only twice a year, about 1000sq ft worth. What total budget do you expect to present to them?
What is $2,520
The Empowered Water process creates this molecule, which allows the water to behave like a soap would.
What is the Hydroxide molecule.
You've explained our process, and shown the benefits but your client is still reluctant that you'll actually clean any better than the last guy. Good thing you have this at your disposal.
What is a demo
It's Brandon.. It's James. This is what you get when you choose ZR for your commercial cleaning needs.
What is a dedicated rep.
Once removed from the box, there's this, the only way to stay out.
What is to continue to see people as people.