What year was Z born?
In which year was Zahida the head girl of DPS Srinagar?
What was Zahida’s room number in her last year at Ashoka?
What is Zahida’s favourite beverage?
What is the meaning of the phrase, "Two sandwiches short of a picnic"?
What are Zahida’s most used threats/curses?
Kazhtembar/Trath Padhe
What was Zahida going to minor in at Ashoka?
What strategy did Zahida use as a class monitor to quiet down the class?
She went and banged her head on the board!
What is Zahida’s favourite vegetable?
What is the name of the organization Zahida currently works at?
Pause for Perspective
Name any two words which Zahida struggles to pronounce?
Dhaba/ Rural/ Ghar/ other answers Z approves of
What’s the name of the degree which Zahida did at King’s College London?
MSc. War and Psychiatry
Why did Zahida get into trouble as an RA mentor?
She had Shravi stay over in her room while she wasn’t there.
What is Zahida’s favourite animal to eat?
How/ Where did Zahida’s parents meet for the first time?
They met on a trek in Kashmir
What alternate medicine is Zahida certified in?
What was the topic of Zahida’s 4th year thesis?
Resilience in Kashmir
What did Zahida say for which she got punished in school?
Hoping Z or one of her classmates remember the answer
What is the name of the girls’ school that Zahida has a particular dislike towards?
Conventy girls
What’s Zahida and Dhruv’s anniversary date?
20th September 2016
How/Why did Zahida break her laptop screen?
She slammed it down while her earphones were in between the screen and keyboard. She can elaborate on why!
What was Zahida's sixth subject in 11/12th grade?
What was Zahida's part-time job in London?
What is Zahida’s favourite dish to cook?
Peas pulao/Mashed potato
What shaped meat does Zahida have a learned aversion to?