We can see information for which customers in Zum Admin (Dashboard)?
Enterprise/Schools, Drivers, Customers/Parents
This is what every driver must display and wear on every drive.
What is a Zumer shirt and decal?
A parent can book a ride this far in advance.
What is a year?
A parent pays this much if they cancel within 4 hours of the ride
What is 100%?
This is the name of the ocean bordering the eastern side of the US of A.
What is the Atlantic Ocean?
This is the tab you look at to look at past rides
What is past rides?
A rider will be reimbursed how much for the first carseat purchased?
What is $0?
The macro you use when a rider is not at the pickup location.
What is the Unresponsive Rider Template
If a macro is B2B, this must be added to every ticket.
Who is the account manager/owner?
This state is known as the sunflower state.
What is Kansas?
This is the tab you go to see the blocked drivers.
What is the "blocked drivers" tab?
Twenty seconds is how long we have to answer a call before this is effected.
What is the ASA?
The marco you use when a driver calls to cancel their ride
What is Dropout? (Also acceptable "B2C Dropout or B2B Dropout)
This determines if it is an expansion.
What is State?
The capital of this state has a theme to keep the city weird.
What is Texas?
This is the tab you go to see which child has special needs
What is the "students" tab?
Tier 3 handles these types of issues...
What is missing children, incidents, safety accidents
The macro you use when a driver calls in with a question at dropoff. For ex: they cannot find the pickup area or they have a question about a rider's special instructions.
What is the "issue with pickup/drop off" template?
Phrase used when a driver says they need to cancel the ride due to not being able to work the ride.
What is a dropout?
This city is the 7th largest in the US.
What is San Antonio?
This tab is where you cancel rides for drivers.
What is "We don't cancel rides, but we select "change driver."
This is what 5 children who know each other can participate in across multiple families to ride to or from the same location.
What is a carpool?
These are the types of background checks and certifications a driver must complete to become a Zūmer.
What is the DOJ, DMV, FBI, and Trustline?
If one child is canceled from a ride with multiple riders, this is the macro that is used for a B2B ride.
What is a B2B Carpool Cancellation?
There are this many continents in the world.
What is 7?