Who is King Hezekiah talking about in this video?
(10-20) Secs
What is the name of this King?
King Hezekiah
What is the word missing from this song?
What quality does this animal symbolize in the Bible?
What is the special title found at Re. 15:3 and 1 Ti. 1:17 describes the amount of time that Jehovah has lived?
King of Eternity
Where are the Israelites at this time as brought out by details in this video? (18-30) Secs.
About to enter the promised land.
What is the name of the individual pictured?
Finish this song.
I'm not alone.
What two things did this animal symbolize in the Bible?
Hint: They are both bad. One involves something on the inside and the other involves who.
undesirable qualities and wicked persons
What is Jehovah's title as described at Re. 4:11?
Who is this brother talking about in the video? (2:35-2:26)
What is the name of Aaron's son who became the next priest?
Finish this song.
To God you now belong.
What are the two kinds of Heavens?
The physical heavens and the spirit realm.
What does Jehovah hate as described at Mal. 2:16?
Hint: Couples.
What does Jesus say next to the woman who was healed from her bloodflow? (4:21-4:45)
Go in peace. Be healed from your grievous sickness.
Who would visit Jesus at night in order to learn from him?
Finish this song.
I'll always cherish you.
What are the two things that Jehovah has created to shield the earth?
The atmosphere and magnetic field.
What quality of Jehovah's is brought out at 2 Pe. 3:9?
Hint: Jehovah is not slow, but what?
Patience, Patient.
Who is the Bible character that the brother is referring to in this video? (2:38-3:04)
What was the name of the slave who visited Paul and became a brother?
Onesimus (O·nesʹi·mus)
Finish this song.
We thank you, our God.
Jehovah has made our bodies with how many cells?
About 100 trillion cells.
What are the 4 things we must love Jehovah with and what are his 4 main qualities?
Whole heart, mind, soul, strength.
Love, Power, Wisdom, and Justice.