the father of icarus
who was Daedalus?
being the youngest person to sail around the world
what was abby's goal?
the author's love in sonnet 43
who was the girl with apple blossom in her hair?
the reason mrs. long was humiliated
what is discrimination?
the point of view the story was told in
what is third person pov?
what were Icarus and his father trying to escape?
what is an island called crete?
what was abby sunderland's age?
the author of the two poems
who was William shakepeare?
the type of story
what is a poem?
the little boy who inspired Major Miles to send the children to be reeducated for a better future
who is Little Eneas?
the advice Daedalus gave to his son
what is moderation?
abby's inspiration for her goal
who was abby's brother?
what both poems were about
what is lost love?
the way of humiliation received by mrs. long?
what is verbal abuse?
where the kids in the story were being sent
what was boarding school?
the moral of the story
what is not letting your emotions get the best of you?
the controversy caused by this event
how far should parents g in supporting their child's dreams?
what is separation from their love?
applicable terms used in this poem
what is free verse, figurative language, or symbols?
an applicable term used in this story
what is flashback, characterization, or setting?
the opening line in icarus' flight
what is "