John is really good ___ singing. He has his own band.
If it ___ (be) cold at night, I usually ___ (turn) the heater on.
is , turn
Если я куплю Айфон, мои друзья будут плакать. Но если я не куплю айфон, то я буду плакать. Никто не будет плакать если мой брат купит айфон. Но если он не купит айфон , то он будет плакать. Поэтому я купил самсунг.
if I buy an iPhone, my friends will cry. But if I don't buy an iPhone, I will cry. Nobody will cry if my brother buys an iPhone. But if he doesn't buy an iPhone, he will cry. That's why I bought Samsung
When people ___ (be) tired, they ____(not pay) attention.
When people are tired, they don't pay attention.
I've never met anybody ____ doesn't like chocolate.
Are you interested ____ buying a new house?
He ____ (make) his own food if he ___ (have) time next week
will make, has
If you ____ (take) an umbrella, you ___(not need) to put on your raincoat.
take, won't need
If my friends ____ (arrive) on time, we ___(have) more time to spend together.
arrive, will have
Have you been to a restaurant _____ you can get free food on your birthday?
I need your help. I have a problem _____ my microwave. I think it's broken.
If I ____ (not can) remember my password, I ___(create) a new one.
cannot/can't , will create
___ she ___ (come) to the party if I ____(invite) her?
Will she come to the party if I invite her?
When it ____(rain), I usually_____ (stay) at home.
rains, stay
They are reading a book ____teaches how to make a lot of money
Do you like pizza? It depends ____ the topping - I like vegetarian pizza.
If it ____ (rain) tomorrow, we ___ (not have) a picnic.
If it rains tomorrow, we won’t/will not have a picnic.
I ____(let) you know when the dinner ___(be) ready.
I will let you know when the dinner is ready
If he ____ (not stop) singing now, I ____(have to) turn off the radio.
doesn't stop, will have to
There are many people _____ would like to visit New Zealand
Have you seen my new car? Yes, I think it is very similar ___ your old one.
Если завтра будет дождь то я возьму с собой зонтик, но если завтра будет солнечно, то я не возьму зонтик, я надену футболку и буду гулять
if it rains tomorrow, I will take an umbrella with me, but if it is sunny tomorrow, I will not take an umbrella, I will wear a T-shirt and will walk
Ты не пойдешь со своим другом в ночной клуб, если не отправишь мне видео. Если я пойду в клуб , я не отправлю тебе видео. Потому что ты женщина а я сексист
You won't go to the night-club with your friend, if you don't send me the video. I won't send you the video if I go to the club. Because you are a woman and I am sexist
Your mom and your dad won't go on a holiday if they don't work everyday. But if you work everyday, you will give your money to your parents. But you can hide your money if you work
I completely forgot about the question ___ you asked me yesterday.