"When you need some help to get by. Something to make you feel strong."
From WaW - Bo4, what was the most common tactical grenade?
Monkey Bomb
Little Lost Girl
In Origins, release Samantha
Name every single black ops 4 map
What is Voyage, IX, Blood, Classified, DOTN, Ancient Evil, Alpha Omega, Tag Der Toten
What is the Thunder gun called when Pack a punched?
Zues Cannon
Ultra and Violet
Dual Wield Five Seven
"He hurried in to save the day. Gun in hand, and thrice they say."
Mule Kick
Name every map pre cold war zombies that the Gersch Device was on.
Ascension and Moon
Chimp on the barbie
In Ascension, kill a space monkey with a fire trap
How many different variants of the blundergat are there on Blood of the dead?
Magmagat, Sweeper, and Acid Gat
Name the 5 round based maps pre Vanguard that don't have the Original Ray gun
IX, Voyage, Dead of the night, Ancient Evil, Firebase Z
The Krauss Refibrillator
Ballistic Knife
"When you're feeling kinda lonely and your spouse is kinda dead"
Widow's Wine
What round does the Hell's Retriver stop being a 1 hit kill? (Bo2 version)
Round 20
Iron Lung
In Zetsubou No Shima, stay underwater for 1 minute
How many charge blasts can the upgraded shield on Blood hold at once?
How many subsets of 4 wonder weapons are there?
7 (Staffs, Bows, Kraken's, Guantlets/Hands, Raygun Mark 2's, D.I.E's, Swords)
Agarthan Reaper
"The kind of hint that no one in your sights can resist. The kind of hint that looks just like a sweet summer kiss."
Elemental Pop
How many kills are needed to upgrade the Monkey's on GK?
Four Old Gods
In Ancient Evil, complete all the Primordial God Trials
Name what each catalyst zombie is weak to, elemental wise.
Fire is weak to Poison/Turned, Water is weak to electric/dead wire, Electric is weak to Fire/Fire bomb, Poison is weak to Ice/Cryofreeze.
What is the name of the baby gun from Shangri-La?
31-79 JGb215
eXcise n!nef0ld
Switchblade X9
"I was looking for redemption. I was looking for a sign. I was searching for an answer. Be it yours or be it mine."
Vulture Aid
In Bo3 and Bo2 origins, you get different amounts of G-Strike's when getting them. Name the amount you get in each game
You get 2 in bo2, and 3 in bo3.
Six Pack
In Cold War zombies, upgrade 6 Perk Skills to Tier 3
How do you build the stake knife on Dead of the night?
Get the 4 symbols from the trees in the forest. Shoot them in the correct order in the greenhouse lab area. Use the bowie knife, and melee the right symbols in the forest, and shield bash the tree to get the branch. Bring branch to graveyard, fill it up with vampire souls, bring to crafting table in the graveyard and make the stake knife.
What is the name of the Ancient Evil hands when they're fully upgraded?
Exalted Hands