Democratic candidate who ran against William McKinley in the election of 1900.
Who is William Jennings Bryan?
The state where Theodore Roosevelt was born.
What is New York?
Panama was part of this country.
What is Colombia?
Country that bombed Venezuela in 1903.
What is Germany?
Which side was satisfied by the Portsmouth Treaty.
What was neither side?
The place where the Maine blew up.
The University that Roosevelt graduated from.
What is Harvard University?
The amount of money the US bought the rights to the Panama Canal plot for.
What is $40 million?
What the Roosevelt Corollary comes to be known as.
What is the "Bad Neighbor" Policy?
Where is New Hampshire?
Of the following, which was not given to America as part of the Treaty of Paris.
A. Puerto Rico
B. Guam
C. Hawaii
D. Cuba
What is Hawaii? (C)
The year McKinley was assassinated.
When is 1901?
Ferdinand de Lesseps is most known for this feat of engineering.
What is the Suez Canal?
Fill in the blank:
"Uncle Sam, ________ of the Caribbean"
What is Policeman?
Name of the port that Russia and Japan fight over.
What is Port Arthur?
Stated the United States would not maintain control of Cuba.
What is the Teller Amendment?
Roosevelt's view of the Constitution.
What is a loose constructionist?
Became the Panamanian Minister after he helped incite a revolution in Panama.
The year the US returned control of Cuba to the newly elected president.
When is 1909?
What and when Roosevelt wins for his efforts in the Russo-Japanese War and in North Africa.
What is the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906?
The year the Spanish-American War ended.
Where Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of office.
What is the Wilcox House?
The treaty signed in 1850 that prevented the US from having complete control of a canal through Central America.
What is the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty?
The name of the agreement that allowed the US to oversee the debt payments of the Dominican Republic to European countries.
What is the Dominican Customs Receivership?
As a result of the Portsmouth Treaty, Japan and Russia each have half of this island.
What is Sakhalin Island?