Nursing Care
Winter is Coming
Take my Breath Away!
(all things asthma)
Respiratory Distress
Nasal cannula, simple mask, non-rebreather, oh my!
(Respiratory supplies)

Two interventions nurses can do to reduce fever in children.

What are give antipyretics and apply cooling measures?


This annual vaccine is usually given in the fall months to help prevent the spread of this virus.

What is the flu vaccine?


A chronic obstructive inflammatory reversible airway disease characterized by hyperresponsiveness of the trachea and bronchi.

What is asthma?


Blueish or grayish color of the skin, nails, lips or around the eyes.

What is cyanosis?


Used if patient needs an oxygen flow of 1-5 liters.

What is a nasal cannula?


Three places you might see retractions.

What is intercostal, substernal, and supraclavicular?


The most frequent cause for hospitalization in babies under 1 year old. 

What is RSV?


This piece of equipment is typically used for kids under 10 and connects to the inhaler allowing you to breathe in the medicine more easily.

What is a spacer?


The rate at which you deliver breaths with the ambu-bag.

What is every 5-6 seconds?


Help! Benjamin has a super productive cough and needs help clearing his boogers. Do this to help.

What is suctioning?


The isolation precautions you need for a patient with a respiratory virus.

What is combined-droplet isolation?


Fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, headache.

What are signs/symptoms of a respiratory illness?


This medication can be given continuously or as an intermittent nebulized treatment.

What is albuterol?


Prepare for this if you feel you might lose your airway. 

What is intubation?


Uh oh! Baby Benjamin needs this placed to help us monitor his oxygen saturations.

What is a pulse oximeter?


After placing your patient on oxygen for the first time since being admitted, you need to do this immediately once your patient is stabilized. 

What is call the MD for an order?


The breath sound sometimes heard with pneumonia.

What are crackles?


Johnny's nurse gives him this to use to teach him and mom how to control his asthma.

What is an asthma action plan?


A life-threatening reaction that causes vasodilation, bronchoconstriction, and increased capillary permeability.

What is anaphylaxis?


The person you call when you need to give your patient a nebulized breathing treatment or CPT.

Who is Respiratory Therapy?


Four common things nurses should be assessing when doing their respiratory assessment.

What is... rate, depth, use of accessory muscles, oxygenation, effort of breathing, evidence of infection, cough, etc.?


Inflammation/infection of the lower respiratory tract often caused by a virus that can cause coughing and difficulty breathing.

What is bronchiolitis?


Johnny wonders which medication he should give first (the bronchodilator or the inhaled steroid).

What is the bronchodilator?


Name this breath sound.

What is wheezing?


The proper use of a non-rebreather mask requires you to do this first.

What is inflate the bag first before placing on the patient?