Can't say I know for sure, but I'll bet this airy chocolate dish tastes better than the same named hair product
A money-making place, or in original, unused condition
The Brits say "sweetcorn" to refer to edible kernels; the growing plant is this 5-letter stuff
Wines classed as this "fruity" color are made from white grapes with the skins left on
orange wines
This type of tree can be slippery as well as Siberian
South Africa's Indian community love "bunny chow", a hallowed half loaf of bread filled with this spicy sauced dish
As a verb, it means to leave someone in a place with no money or a way to get out
A popular full-bodied style of red wine has two names: Syrah, when its from France, and when its from Australia, this
It originally referred to a hunting station but has come to mean a secret arranged meeting between lovers
Traditionally served on a board, this mix of cold-cuts and cheeses is French for " pork-butchers shop"
Feudal rank below a baron but above a squire