Who were the organizers of the Jamestown colony?
What is the Virginia Company
What were the Werowocomoco known as?
What is the seat of power of the Powhatan
What winter was known as the "Starving Time"? (in years)
What is 1609-1610.
Everything in Jamestown, including tools, equipment, and buildings belonged to who?
Who is the Virginia Company.
What is as tall as a man and each leaf can be as wide as two feet.
Who received charters for colonies in America from the king?
What is privileged companies or persons
What types of homes did the Powhatan tribes live in?
What was the most common way people acquired food at Werowocomoco?
What is longhouses.
What is fishing.
Why did the Powhatan stop trading food with Jamestown?
What is because they wanted to take their land back.
Who is John Rolfe.
What is tobacco (crop).
What is to pick destructive worms from the leaves.
What was the goal of the Jamestown charter?
What is to bring wealth to the king
How did tribes show tribute to Powhatan?
What is they sent food and goods.
Who was Jamestown's political leader?
What year did he go back to England? Why?
What is Captain John Smith.
What is 1608 because of an injury.
The first government was set up to manage company workers. The seven council members made the rules. What kind of government is this referred to as?
What is an oligarchy.
When did the first ship of people from Africa reach Virginia?
How many people were on that ship from Africa?
What is August 1619.
What is 20 people.
The colonists wanted to find gold before what?
What is before building shelters and getting food supplies
How long had the American Indians been living in Virginia before the European settlers arrived?
Chief Powhatan's chiefdom included how many people?
What is 15,000 years.
What is 15,000 people.
What was John Smith's saying?
What did Smith do when negotiations failed with the Powhatan?
What is "He who does not work, shall not eat."
What is he stole food from them.
Who was the governor after John Smith left?
What happened under his ruling?
Who is Sir Thomas West.
What is colonists resisted many of his orders and were met with severe punishment.
How did landowners act once slaves came into the picture?
What is with a sense of superiority over all the workers on their plantations and treated them as property to be commanded.
What did the English gladly place a claim on?
Who did the English colonists have to interact with once in Jamestown?
What is the eastern coastline of America.
What is the Powhatan Confederacy.
Where was Werowocomoco located? Need to be specific - looking for three things!
What is in present-day Virginia, on the James River, and across York River from Jamestown.
Jamestown needed food to get through the winter, but what happened to their supplies that led to the "Starving Time"?
Who became members of the House of Burgesses?
What type of government was this called?
Who is men who owned property chose representatives to make laws for them in assembly meetings.
What is a representative democracy.
What is the "Headright System"?
What is each man received 50 acres of land as personal property and claimed an additional 50 acres for each person under their care.