Focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes affect your feelings and actions.
What is cognitive behavioral therapy?
The pressure created from "_____" statements makes it difficult to meet those expectations, and when the failure occurs, there is guilt and frustration which makes you less likely to make another attempt.
What are "should" statements?
What is mindfulness?
The quality of being present and fully engaged with whatever we’re doing at the moment — free from distraction or judgment, and aware of our thoughts and feelings.
What is Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation?
A student who gets an A- on an exam feels like a failure because they are used to getting A+ grades only. They have the mentality, “If I am not successful at everything I do, I am a complete failure”
What is polarized/black-and-white/all-or-nothing thinking?
A daily practice that may alter the brain’s neural pathways, making you more resilient to stress.
What is meditation?
While pain is part of life, ____ ____ allows us to keep that pain from becoming suffering
What is radical acceptance?
A person who struggles with low income might feel anger and resentment towards others who make more money than them. They might feel that they work just as hard if not harder than other people but are not rewarded the same. What the person fails to realize is that others who make more income could have different educational backgrounds with different types of jobs.
What is fallacy of fairness?
What are the 7 Principles of Mindfulness?
1) Non-judging. 2) Patience. 3) Beginner’s mind. 4) Trust. 5) Non-striving. 6) Acceptance. 7) Letting go.
Listening to music, the 5-4-3-2-1 method, and body scans.
What is self-soothing?
CBT focuses on challenging and changing unhelpful cognitive distortions and behaviors, improving emotion regulation, and the development of personal coping strategies that target solving current problems.
Actively seeking feedback from others to validate or refute personal beliefs or assumptions.
What is the survey method?
A person might pressure their partner to change a few of their manners. They believe their partner is perfect in every other way except those few minor things, and expects those changes will make their partner even happier.
What is fallacy of change?
A mental location that you visualize to enhance your meditation and reduce your stress.
What is a safe space?
What is Stop, Take a step back, Observe, and Proceed mindfully?
You have a date with a wonderful person but you predict that the date will go bad. You start making assumptions about how the date will go before it even has occurred. The predictions are not based on any actual evidence.
What is mind reading/jumping to conclusions/fortune telling?
When examining the ____ and ____, you are looking at the consequences of potential actions.
What are pros and cons?