Geography of Georgia
Georgia Government
IA1 Review
Georgia Studies Miscellaneous

Georgia can be found in this region of the United States.   

What is the southeast region


The name of the legislative branch in Georgia includes 2 houses and is referred  to as:  

What is the Georgia General Assembly


Georgia Supreme Court justices (judges) are selected through this process.

What are statewide elections


The 8th grade Georgia Studies course focuses on the study of this U.S. state. 

What is Georgia


The location of this southeastern state is west of Georgia, relatively speaking. 

What is Alabama.


This is the purpose of the Grand Jury in the criminal justice process. 

What is they decide to bring formal charges (Indictment) 


The judicial branches power to interpret the law of the state of Georgia is an example of this constitutional principle.  

What are Checks and Balances


This is the platform we take pretests. checkpoints and IA's.

What is Illuminate


This physical feature of Georgia divides the Piedmont and Coastal Plains regions and represents a drop in elevation moving north to south.  

What is the Fall Line


Many schools in the state of Georgia rely on this tax revenue for funding.  

What are property taxes


This region of Georgia includes Brasstown Bald and the beginning of the Appalachian Trail. 

What is the Blue Ridge


The main topics we learn in Georgia Studies include Georgia geography, Georgia history and this important part of the state of Georgia. 

What is Georgia government 


There have been legal disputes over the rights to the use of the Chattahoochee River between these three states. 

What are Florida, Georgia and Alabama. 


To override a governors veto. the Georgia General Assembly must get this majority vote in both houses. It is much higher than a simple majority (half plus 1). 

What is 2/3 vote


This is the reason the preambles of the Georgia and the U.S. Constitutions are important. 

What is they outline the purpose of the documents


Scenario: You are working on an assignment at 11:30 on a Friday night and you encounter a problem. What is NOT a correct resolution to the problem. (Hint: You teachers need rest too!!)

What is panic and email your teacher expecting an immediate response


These are the three most northern regions of Georgia in order from west to east. 

What are the Appalachian Plateau, the Ridge and Valley and the Blue Ridge.  


Scenario: A judge is appointed to a court in the state of Georgia. She will hear cases that included unruly and delinquent behavior of juveniles. The judge has been appointed this Georgia court. 

What is Juvenile Court


The highest set of laws in the statue of Georgia can be found in this important document.   

What is the Georgia State Constitution 


Scenario: You try to access an assignment in Canvas and it tells you : No preview available". This is what you did wrong. 

What is access assignments through " grades" instead of through "modules".