Cyber Crime
UN Committees
Parliamentary Procedure

Though it lacks a universally agreed upon definition, this is generally characterized as the occurrence of illegal acts over computers or the internet.

What is cyber crime?


For this mock, you will be representing a country in the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, or [abbreviation.]

What is UNODC?


The Security Council has a rotating list of 10 members along with five permanent members, known as the P5. Name one of these permanent members.

What is either USA, UK, France, Russia, or China?


In Model UN, you will always start off with ____ ____, where you can respond either "present" or "present and voting" when your country's name is called. These are pretty much the same, the only difference being that you cannot abstain from voting if you are present and voting.

What is roll call?


This is a general term used for an area of the web where illegal or otherwise improper actions are conducted.

What is the dark web?


This organization illegally leaked DNC emails in 2016, prompting accusations of party bias and influencing the American election.

What is WikiLeaks?


In 1997, UNODC Southern Africa was founded, covering 13 different countries in the region with a goal of reducing drug flow in the area. Some of these countries are... (Name 2)

What are any combo of Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe?


The World Health Organization (WHO) is also part of the UN. They have been instrumental in fighting this modern-day pandemic.

What is COVID-19?


At the end, your country and other countries will present a ____, which is essentially a document talking about what you would like to do to solve the topic.

What is a resolution/working paper?


Bitcoin is a type of this, an online way of monetary transaction that has a reputation for being involved with crime.

What is cryptocurrency?


This country, whose capital is Pyongyang, hacked into International Atomic Agency Association (IAEA)'s databases as recently as 2021.

What is North Korea?


The UNODC, like most parts of the UN, cannot enforce what it wants to do or make any country comply. Name one other UN committee that also cannot force any country to do anything.

What is anything but UNSC?


UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) is one of the most well-known UN committees. Interestingly enough, they are the largest global buyer and distributor of mosquito nets, which are designed to protect against this disease.

What is malaria?


In this kind of motion, you will get up and talk with other countries informally around the room. 

What is an unmoderated caucus?


Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Bing are all types of this.

What is a search engine?


The hacker group Anonymous leaked reports in 2020 detailing misinformation campaigns by police departments in this US state.

What is Minnesota?


The UNODC headquarters is located in Vienna, the capital of this mountainous European country.

What is Austria?


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is a UN committee that tries international criminals. One of its powers is ____, which is the removal of one from a country back to their home country in order to prosecute them.

Hint: Think Constitution test!

What is extradition?


If you have a question about ANYTHING relating to committee, you can use this point to ask it.

Hint: "Point of ____? When do you want us to have resolutions done by?"

What is a point of inquiry?


Facebook's Cambridge Analytica scandal found them facing controversy for this controversial practice, in which websites learn personal information about their users for various practices.

What is datamining?


This subset of cyber crime is defined as the online attacking or hacking of another country or organization for militant or strategic purposes.

What is cyber warfare?


The UNODC often works with INTERPOL, which is the international version of this.

What is the police?


There are six UN committees that make up the UN general assembly. Name one of these committees.

Hint: If you don't know any, feel free to go to and take a guess.

What are DISEC, ECOFIN, SOCHUM, SPECPOL, Administrative, and LEGAL?


If your chair makes a mistake in parliamentary procedure, you could use this point to get them to correct it.

Hint: Don't use this!

What is a point of order?


These are sadly not chocolate chip, but types of small text files placed on a user's computer that helps to track their data.

What are cookies?