Now I Am Become Death
Can You Freeze Dry Your Corpse?
Horse Basics
Remember the Ladies
This Is The Skin Of A Killer, Bella.

This event is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history and has rendered the city of Pripyat Ukraine unhabitable for the next 20,000 years. 

What was the Chernobyl disaster. 


The incorrupt tongue of the patron saint of lost things is venerated in this basilica of the same name.

Who is Saint Anthony of Padua. 


This mythical flying horse sprang from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa as she was beheaded by the hero Perseus.

What is Pegasus.


This woman's legacy is eternal as her cancer cells are the source the first immortalized human cell line and one of the most important cell lines in medical research. 

Who was Henrietta Lacks. 


This infectious disease, known as the “white plague” in the 1700s and "consumption" in the 1800s, caused the New England vampire panic.

What is Tuberculosis. 


This large mass of corium and other materials formed underneath the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant during the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. 

What is the Elephants Foot.


Russia has kept this leader's embalmed corpse on display for almost 100 years. 

Who is Vladimir Lenin. 


Written by Anna Sewell in 1977, this first-person autobiographical memoir sought to advocate for fairer treatment of horses in Victorian England.

What is Black Beauty


This British chemist and X-ray crystallographer's work was central to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses, coal, and graphite. 

Who was Rosalind Franklin. 


This Irish author wrote the 1897 Gothic horror novel Dracula

Who was Bram Stoker. 


This sphere of plutonium was manufactured during the Manhattan Project and was involved in two fatal radiation accidents. 

What is the Demon Core. 


These underground ossuaries in Paris, France, hold the remains of more than six million people.

What are the Catacombs of Paris.


Also known as Big Red, this champion American thoroughbred racehorse is widely considered to be the greatest racehorse of all time.

What was Secretariat. 


Well known for being a Hollywood glamour girl, this Austrian-born actress invented “frequency hopping,” which helped make possible a wide range of wireless communications technologies, including Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth.

Who was Hedy Lemarr. 


This gothic horror and vampire novel by American author Anne Rice has been adapted into a film, comics, and most recently a television series. 

What is Interview with the Vampire.


In 1979 this partial nuclear meltdown crystallized anti-nuclear safety concerns among activists and the general public and led to new regulations for the nuclear industry.

What was the Three Mile Island accident. 


A "star of glacial archeology," this Iceman is well known for his tattoos. 

Who is Ötzi. 


Considered to be among the most beautiful and complex surviving works of art from the late Middle Ages this tapestry (which is currently on view at The MET) is a depiction of a mythical creature symbolizing purity.

What is "The Unicorn Rests in a Garden" or "The Unicorn in Captivity."


This Native American activist, social worker, community developer was the first woman elected to serve as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Who was Wilma Mankiller. 


This 1922 silent German Expressionist vampire film is the origin of the trope of vampires burning in the sun. 

What is Nosferatu. 


This Russian particle physicist survived a high-energy proton beam blast through the brain from a particle accelerator. 

Who is Anatoli Petrovich Bugorski. 


During this spring celebration families visit the tombs of their ancestors to clean the gravesites and make ritual offerings.

What is the Qingming Festival/Tomb-Sweeping Day.


Son of the god Loki, this eight-legged horse can gallop through the air and over the sea.

What is Sleipnir.


Mesopotamian high priestess of the moon god, Nanna, and daughter of King Sargon of Akkad, she is the first recorded author in world history.

Who was Enheduanna. 

This short story by John William Polidori is often viewed as the progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction.

What is The Vampyre.