___________________________ (Na twoim miejscu), I would change your job.
If I were/was you
The police officer let you go without a fine because you are so nice. NOT
If you __________________ nice, the police officer wouldn’t have let you go without a fine.
weren't so
If I were you, I would speak to your boss.
Were I you, I would speak to your boss.
She didn't take the medication and now she's ill again.
If she had taken the medication she wouldn't be ill again.
She behaves like a film star. THOUGH
She behaves _______________ a film star.
as though she were/was
(Byłoby mi bardzo przykro) ………………. if you didn’t
come to my birthday party.
I would be very sorry
Jack is behaving like a king – please tell him to stop fussing. AS
Jack is behaving ________________ - please tell him to stop fussing.
as if he was/were a king
If they had known the answer, they would have helped you.
Had they known the answer, they would have helped you.
She was talking all day, so her throat is sore now.
If she hadn't been talking all day, her throat wouldn't be sore.
I'd rather play football than watch it. PREFER
I'd ___________________ watch it.
prefer to play football rather than
If my father hadn’t given me a lift, _______________ (spóźniłbym się na) the train.
I would have missed
I think you shouldn't give me advice. RATHER
I ______________ me advice.
would rather you didn't give
If we like the place, we will stay here longer.
Should we like the place, we will stay here longer.
He doesn't listen to anyone's advice, so he didn't do what you suggested.
If he listened to anyone's advice, he would have done what you suggested.
We ought to leave; it's getting dark. TIME
It's ___________________; it's getting dark.
time we left
I wish _____________________ (żebyś przestał mi przerywać) – I hate it when you do it!
I wish you would stop interrupting me
My brother Jack regrets that he stopped doing karate. HAD
My brother Jack _________________ doing karate.
wishes he had not stopped
If she doesn't trust you, she won't follow your advice.
Should she not trust you, she won't follow your advice.
The flight left on time, so they will be in Moscow by now.
If the flight left on time, they will be in Moscow by now.
I want you to leave the files here. SOONER
I _________________ the files here.
I ______________________ (wolałbym, żebyś zrobił) your homework now before you go cycling.
would rather you did
I think you shouldn't stay here. HAD
You _________________ here.
had better not stay
If he caught a flu, he would have to stay in bed.
Were he to catch a flu, he would have to stay in bed.
She didn't study at all so she'll do badly in the test.
If she didn't study at all, she'll do badly in the test.
He should have phoned us to tell us not to wait. BETTER
It ______________________ to tell us not to wait.
would have been better if he had phoned us