What kind of people are referred to as green around the gills?
People who feel nauseous or sick.
Although the agency was not known as such back then, the FDA's regulatory function began with the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act, signed into law by what President?
Theodore Roosevelt
How many leaves does a typical clover plant have?
What number between one and ten, when said out loud, sounds like the past tense of the verb "eat"?
What was the name of the ship that carried the Pilgrims to America in 1620?
What is a popular nickname for someone who works well with plants?
A green thumb
The office in a court is responsible for security, guarding juries, and often giving what two-word order when the judge enters?
All rise
What is the term for a young Irish woman or girl?
What seven-letter “C” word means to exist in the present time, the fastest-moving part of a water stream, or flowing electric charge?
What is the term for the fear of spiders?
Which state is nicknamed the Green Mountain state?
During the summer of 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed what act into law which established a system of old-age federal benefits?
Social Security Act
What is the capital of Ireland?
What four-letter word can be a man’s name, part of a duck or a proposed law?
What fruit is known for having its own “zoo” of tiny seeds on the inside?
What is May's birthstone?
The Emerald
Derived from the Latin for “twist,” what term is used in common law for a civil wrong that causes a party to loss or harm?
According to legend, what animal did St. Patrick drive out of Ireland?
What are two five-letter homophones, one of which means "to stop a car" and one of which means "to shatter in pieces?" Homophones are words that are spelled differently but pronounced the same.
Brake and Break
What is the longest-running Broadway show in history?
The Phantom of the Opera
Name a popular asian beverage.
Matcha, which is powdered tea made from finely ground Japanese green tea leaves.
What two-word phrase essentially means that a person cannot be tried or punished for the same offense more than once?
Double Jeopardy
What's the symbol for gold on the Periodic Table of Elements?
The phrase "dirty room" can be anagrammed into what 9-letter word for a college residence that might contain many a dirty room?
In what city would you find the famous landmark, the Christ the Redeemer statue?
Rio de Janeiro