Pillsbury's "Perfect" this pie includes 6 cups of the main item as well as cinnamon & nutmeg; why, it's American as...
What is apple pie?
The title of this Matthew McConaughey film describes the space between the stars
What is Interstellar?
Princeton U. has celebrated Pi Day in recent years by inviting kids to participate in a look-alike contest of this scientist
Who is Einstein?
The title of this Steinbeck novel came from a line in "Battle Hymn Of The Republic"
What is The Grapes of Wrath?
Believers & skeptics alike are invited to attend the annual UFO Festival in this New Mexico City, held since 1996
What is Roswell?
19th century confectioner, Elizabeth Goodfellow introduced this sweet & tart delight to America
What is lemon meringue pie?
A continental right-lateral strike-slip fault gives us the title of this Dwayne Johnson film
What is San Andreas?
He puts the "3" in 3.14; this NBA star & all-time 3-point leader was born on 3/14/1988
Who is Steph Curry?
"Matilda" was one of the last books by this author of beloved children's stories
Who is Roald Dahl?
Catch 'em while you can, sheep parading down Main Street in Ketchum during the Trailing of the Sheep Festival in this state
What is Idaho?
Let's go nuts with this pie staple, a hickory genus member grown in Georgia with a fat content of (yipes!) over 70%
What is pecan pie?
This Aaron Eckhart film has the name of an "inner" & "outer" layer full of iron & nickel
What is The Core?
A university near Harvard, it has a school song that lauds, "The constant pi that made me sigh in those happy days of ours"
What is MIT?
Regarding the double-talk name of this character in "Lolita", Nabokov said, "It is a hateful name for a hateful person"
Who is Humbert Humbert?
A festival in Hampton, Virginia named for this British pirate includes a reenactment of his last battle
Who is Blackbeard?
Sour ones or Bings can be used to make this summer pie, & maybe spruce it up with a lattice crust
What is cherry pie?
This 1985 Brat Pack movie was a real electric phenomenon
What is St. Elmo's Fire?
Before directing "Requiem for a Dream" & "Black Swan", he made "Pi", a 1998 film about a paranoid mathematician
Who is Darren Aronofsky?
This author & her "Mrs. Dalloway" figure prominently in Michael Cunningham's novel "The Hours"
Who is (Virginia) Woolf?
Fittingly, this city at the tip of Illinois hosts a multi-day extravaganza celebrating all things Superman
What is Metropolis?
Patti LaBelle is famed for this pie that can actually be made with yams instead of the tubers in its name
What is sweet potato pie ?
This 1997 sci-fi film with Laurence Fishburne shares its name with the boundary at the edge of a black hole
What is Event Horizon?
By definition, pi denotes "the ratio of" this boundary line of a circle "to its diameter"
What is circumference?
In 1935 his semi-autobiographical "Of Time and the River" was published as a sequel to "Look Homeward, Angel"
Who is Thomas Wolfe?
It sounds like a marsupial but it's a music & arts festival held annually in Manchester, Tennessee
What is Bonnaroo?