How do you spell autotroph, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is a-u-t-o-t-r-o-p-h, it is an organism that is able to capture energy from chemicals or sunlight and use it to produce its own food, and responses vary.


How do you spell genus, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is g-e-n-u-s, a classification grouping that consists of a number of similar, closely related species, and responses vary.


How do you spell nucleus, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is n-u-c-l-e-u-s, the place in cells that contains the cells DNA, and responses vary.


How do you spell sexual reproduction, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is s-e-x-u-a-l r-e-p-r-o-d-u-c-t-i-o-n, a reproductive process between two organisms of the same species, and responses vary


How do you spell taxomony, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is t-a-x-o-n-o-m-y, the study of how living things are classified, and responses vary


How do you spell cell, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is c-e-l-l, the basic unit of structure, and responses vary.


How do you spell evolution, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is e-v-o-l-u-t-i-o-n, a change over time, and responses vary.


How do you spell metabolism, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is m-e-t-a-b-o-l-i-s-m, the combination of chemical reactions in the body, and responses vary.


How do you spell shared derived characteristics, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is s-h-a-r-e-d d-e-r-i-v-e-d c-h-a-r-a-c-t-e-r-i-s-t-i-c-s, a trait that people share, and responses vary


How do you spell unicellular, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is u-n-i-c-e-l-l-u-l-a-r, one cell, and responses vary


How do you spell branching tree diagram, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is b-r-a-n-c-h-i-n-g t-r-e-e d-i-a-g-r-a-m, a diagram that shows probable evolutionary relationships among organisms and the order in which specific characteristics may have evolved, and responses vary


How do you spell eukaryote what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is e-u-k-a-r-y-o-t-e, an organism whose cells contain a nucleus, and responses vary.


How do you spell prokaryote, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is p-r-o-k-a-r-y-o-t-e, a cell with no nucleus, and responses vary.


How do you spell species, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is s-p-e-c-i-e-s, the most specific classification system, and responses vary


How do you spell asexual reproduction, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is a-s-e-x-u-a-l r-e-p-r-o-d-u-c-t-i-o-n, a reproductive process that involves only one organism, and responses vary


How do you spell classification, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is c-l-a-s-s-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n, the process of sorting similar things into groups, and responses vary.


How do you spell heterotroph, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is h-e-t-e-r-o-t-r-o-p-h, an organism that cannot make its own food, and must consume other living things to get energy, and responses vary.


How do you spell spontaneous generation, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is s-p-o-n-t-a-n-e-o-u-s g-e-n-e-r-a-t-i-o-n, idea of living thing come from non living thing, and responses vary


How do you spell binomial nomenclature, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is b-i-n-o-m-i-a-l n-o-m-e-n-c-l-a-t-u-r-e, the two name classification system, and responses vary.


How do you spell convergent evolution, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is c-o-n-v-e-r-g-e-n-t e-v-o-l-u-t-i-o-n, the process in which unrelated organisms evolve similar characteristics.


How do you spell metabolism, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is m-e-t-a-b-o-l-i-s-m, all of our bodies chemical reactions, and responses vary. 


How do you spell stimulus, what's its definition, and use it in a sentence.

What is s-t-i-m-u-l-u-s, a change in the environment, and responses vary