Topic 1
Topics 2 & 3
Topics 4 & 5
Topics 6 & 7
Topic 8

Molly has 15 bags of Skittles and her mom gave her twelve bags. How many does she have now?

12+15= 27


Patrisha eats 5/10 of the box of Mike and Ikes and Sally eats 18/50 of the box. Is this proportional?



Jams bought 8 ring pops for 0.75$ each and 10 candy necklaces for 1.00$ each write an expression to represent the word problem.  

(8 × 0.75) + (10 × 1)


You have a bag of Gummy Bears, if someone reaches their hand in and grabs a handful what type of sample does this represent?

A Representative sample.


Diana made a scale drawing of hr sour strips which is 3 in by .5in hat is the size of the actual sour strips if she scaled them down by 1/2. 

6 in by 1 in 


Bob has 20 Jolly Ranchers he eats 7, how many does he have now?



Sadie and Matt are filling up bags of candy, Sadie is using a half cup. Matt is using a 1/4 cup, the bag has to have 1 1/2 cups. Sadie uses hers 3 times and Matt uses his 6 times. Is it proportional?



Garry bought 4 boxes of warheads with 12 in each and 4 boxes of lemonheads with 24 in each. Write a expanded expression for how much candy she bought. 

4 (12 + 24) 


I have a bag of Gummy bears, if I reach in and grab a handful, what type of sample does this represent?

A representative sample


Tristan wants to get the circumference of a jolly rancher he got the radius which is .25in, what is the circumference?

1.75 in 


Carl has 2 Gummy bears and wants to give them away to his 3 friends. What kind of decimal is this?

A repeating decimal


A Twix bar costs $1.79 with a 15% mark up. How much does the Twix cost now?



Joe had 8 starbursts and Claire had 24 starbursts and Alex had 12 starbursts. Write an expression. 

8 + 24 + 12


I surveyed a class of 30 and asked them what their favorite candy was. 30% said Kit kats, 20% said Sour Patch kids and 50% of them said Skittles. I can infer that most people like Skittles, what type of statement is that?

An Inference


Liam had a starburst 1 in by 1in an he wanted to scale it up by 5 what are the new dimensions?

5 in by 5 in 


You have 95 M&Ms and you split them evenly with your 4 friends. What type of decimal is this?

A terminating decimal


Will thought there were 102 nerds in a nerd box but there was really 307. What was his % error? Round up to the nearest tenth.



A candy store has to make 10 bags with 8 gummy sharks and 14 gummy worms. Use the distributive property to figure out how many total gummy sharks and gummy worms do you need?   

80 gummy sharks 

140 gummy worms  


Katie has 5 Twix, 6 Kit Kats, 4 Sweetarts, 2 M&Ms, 14 Starburst, 19 Nerds, 9 Jellybeans, 16 Skittles, 1 Gummy bear, and 8 Gummy Worms. Find the Mean, Median, and Range. Round to the nearest tenth ( if needed).

Mean: 8.4

Median: 7

Range: 18


Noah has to find the circumference of a DumDum, the radius is .5 in what is the circumference?

3.14 in 


Simplify: -3(15x + 37) 

-45x - 111


Will thought there were 102 nerds in a nerd box but there was really 307 what was his % error? Round to the nearest tenth. 



Ellie has 4 swedish fish, 10 gummy bears , 2 skittles, and 8 gummy bears. I can combine the G's (gummy bears) but nothing else why?  

They are like terms 


Sloane has 11 Peach Rings, 4 Ring Pops, 11 Laffy Taffies, 8 Swedish Fish, 14 Smarties, 11 Twizzlers, and 1 Gumball. Find the Mean and Mode and round to the nearest tenth.

Mean: 8.6

Mode: 11


You have a Skittle with a radius of 3 meters what is the area? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

28.3 meters