The word “Halloween” is a shortened form of this phrase.
All Hallows' Eve
The tradition of wearing costumes on Halloween originated from the belief that these beings roamed the Earth on this night
Spirits or ghosts
Black cats are considered unlucky on Halloween in the United States. In the United Kingdom they are considered _______.
This Christian holiday, which falls on November 1st, inspired the name “Halloween."
All Saints’ Day (or All Hallows’ Day)
In Mexico, this multi-day celebration takes place at the same time as Halloween, but honors the deceased.
Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
This creature, known for turning into a bat, is a popular Halloween character that drinks blood.
This ancient festival, held on October 31st, marked the end of the harvest season in Celtic culture. Halloween developed from this festival.
This popular Halloween decoration was once used to ward off evil spirits.
Jack O'Lanterns (carved pumpkins)
In some parts of the world, including the US, it is traditional to play a game that involves trying to grab a fruit with your mouth from a barrel. "Bobbing for ____"
In some places in the United States, there is a tradition called "Goosey Night", "Mischief Night," or "Devil's Night." On this night kids/teenagers cause mischief by putting toilet paper in trees, throwing eggs, and doing other relatively harmless pranks. When does this occur?
The night before Halloween