This book is named after the Moabite woman who became the great grandmother of King David
Who is Noah?
This man built an ark to survive the flood.
This city’s walls famously fell down after the Isrealites marched around them for 7 days
God provided this bread like food to the Isrealites in the wilderness
This story tells of a man swallowed by a fish for running away from Gods command
Jonah and the Whale
This book is a collection of 150 songs , prayers and poems
Who is Joseph?
He was betrayed by his brothers and later became the ruler of Egypt.
Jesus was born in this small town in Judea
This leader parted the Red Sea to help the Isrealites escape Egypt
This judge defeated the midianites with only 300 men using trumpets and torches.
This book is known for its detailed vision of the end times
Who is Moses?
He led the Isrealites out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments.
Mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments
Mount Sinai
Who is Thomas?
The apostle known as the “Doubter”. He questioned if Jesus had been resurrected until he saw his wounds for himself.
This man interpreted Pharoahs dreams and saved Israel from famine
What is the book of Acts about?
New Testament book that recounts the history of the early Christian Church and the spread of the gospel to the Roman Empire.
Who is John the Baptist?
Cousin of Jesus who baptized him the in Jordan River.
The sea the Isrealites crossed on dry ground while fleeing from Pharoah
The Red Sea
This prophet was was taken to heaven on a chariot of fire
God sent 10 plagues upon this land before freeing the Isrealites
This book recounts the Isrealites conquest of the promise land
Who is Paul(formally Saul)?
This Pharisee Persecuted Christians before converting and becoming an apostle.
This city was was destroyed by fire and brimstone along with Gomorrah
She hid the Isrealite spies on her roof in Jericho
This prophet called down fire from heaven in a showdown against the prophets of Baal