Forces, Motion and Structures
Matter and Materials

An animal that eats other animals is called:

a) A herbivore 

b) A producer

c) A carnivore 

c) A carnivore


Which of the following BEST explains what energy is?

a) Energy always ends up as light.

b) Energy allows work to be done.

c) Energy is only found in plants. 

b) Energy allows work to be done.


The force that moves objects towards you is a:

a) Push

b) Pull

c) Twist 

b) Pull


The amount of matter an objects contains is called:

a) Mass

b) Force

c) Weight 

a) Mass


An example of a habitat is:

a) A car park

b) A tree

c) A classroom

b) A tree


Which of the following is NOT a form of energy?

a) Light

b) Heat

c) Oil

c) Oil


The force that pulls objects to the centre of the Earth is:

a) Magnetism

b) Gravity

c) Electricity 

b) Gravity


What are the three states of matter?

a) Length, width and height

b) Solid, liquid, gas

c) Transparent, translucent, opaque 

b) Solid, liquid, gas


Which of the following BEST describes a habitat?

a) The objects an animal uses to build its home.

b) The living and non - living things in an area.

c) The natural home of an animal or a plant. 

c) The natural home of an animal or a plant.


When a solid is heated it:

a) Evaporates

b) Melts

c) Becomes an insulator 

b) Melts


A wheel is a circular object that revolves around a: 

a) Pivot

b) Fulcrum

c) Axle

c) Axle


Which of the following would be the BEST materials to use for a car windscreen? 

a) Glass

b) Rubber

c) Paper

a) Glass


Why do food chains always start with a plant?

a) Plants are good to eat

b) Plants can make their own food and animals cannot

c) Animals only eat plants

b) Plants can make their own food and animals cannot


Which of the following is NOT a source of light?

a) The Sun

b) A lit candle

c) The Moon 

c) The Moon


Which of the following is NOT an example of an inclined plane?

a) A ladder

b) A ramp

c) A wheelbarrow 

c) A wheelbarrow


A dark shadow will be cast when sunlight is blocked by:

a) A transparent material

b) An opaque

c) A translucent material 

b) An opaque


Food chains can be combined to form:

a) Food webs

b) Ecosystems

c) Circuits

a) Food webs


Name the main source of light and heat on Earth:

a) Fossil fuels

b) Nuclear Energy 

c) Solar Energy 

c) Solar Energy


A smaller surface of an object makes the object:

a) Fall quicker

b) Fall slower

c) Stop falling 

a) Fall quicker


Which of the following is the Best definition of a translucent material?

a) It lets some light through

b) It lets all the light through

c) It doesn't let any light through 

a) It lets some light through