The One With The Job
This is Monicas Job
What is Chef
What is the name of Episode 8 Season 5
The One With All The Thanksgivings
Who is the main barista at central perk
This is Pheobes Job
What is the name of episode 14 season 5
The One Where Everybody Finds Out
What is the name of Ross overseas love interest
Emily Waltham
This is Joeys Job
What is the name of episode 7 season 1
The One With The Blackout
What is the name of the lady that seduced Chandler in Oklahoma during Christmas Eve
Who is Wendy
This is Chandler's Job
A Transponster, Transponder (THATS NOT A REAL WORD!!!)
What is the name of season 5 episode 1
The One After Ross Says Rachel
What is a Paleontologist
What is the name of season 3 episode 9
The One With The Football