Provides charter op's, flight training, aircraft sales, sightseeing/photography
What is a full service FBO?
What is a Manager?
Internet, Newspaper, billboards, posters
What are common marketing mediums?
First man to Design and Patent a Jet Engine
Who was Frank Whittle?
Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion
What is time management?
Components of the Modern Aviation Industry
What are pilots, support personnel, the airport system, aviation interest groups, aircraft manufacturers
Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling
What are the 4 main functions of management?
Airline that did not pay to update their ticketing software leading to tons of loss in business
What is Southwest?
Changes made by the government to improve efficiency and lower emissions rates of aircraft
What was the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978?
Causes for time management issues
What is procrastination, our phones, unplanned visitors, lack of delegation?
Aviation Regulatory Agencies
What are the FAA, NTSB, and TSA?
Sustaining happy customers, that return and bring an overall profitable enterprise.
What is a manager's goal?
Product, Price, Place, Promotion
What are the 4 P's of Marketing?
In 1783, the first manned, untethered aircraft took flight and traveled 5.5 miles.
What is a hot air balloon?
Delegation Boosts:
What is pride, ownership, inspiration?
Everyday functions of most FBO's
What is fueling, lavatory servicing, towing marshalling, etc.
Rule where employees must be ready to handle at least 80% of tasks delegated to them
What is the 80:20 rule?
Companies highlighting their accomplishments, distinguishing themselves from competitors, and targeting potential customers
What is Aviation/Aerospace marketing?
Commodities in which Aviation has vastly increased global flows
What is money, manufacturing, imports, and information?
Set up a section/division procedures manual for everyone involved
What is a great way to keep employees involved and in line?
FBO Industry Trends and Issues
What is maturity and professionalism, public awareness, and technical issues?
Function as members of the group and usually solicit input from other group members, get less done but work is higher quality
What is Participative(democratic) Leadership Style?
National Trends Affecting GA
What is terrorism, fractional aircraft ownership, encouraging new pilots, technology?
Various aspects of civilization that the Aircraft was quickly integrated into
What is military, passenger transport, air mail, surveying?
The most important Time Management Strategy
How to finish and put away one thing before starting another?