Harry Potter was written by this author
Who is J.K Rowling
Term for the Longest day of the Year
What is the Summer Solstice
Smallest Country in the World
What is Vatican City
Martin Luther King Jr. Speech known as
What was I Have a Dream
Piece at the end of a shoelace
What is an Aglet
This revolutionary product released in 2007 reshaped mobile communications and technology
What is the iPhone
Humans heaviest Organ
What is the Skin
Destruction of Pompeii was done by this Volcano
What is Mount Vesuvius
Smallest American State by Land
What is Rhode Island
Amazon sold one type of product
What is Books
This movie was the first feature-length animated film ever released
What is Snow White and The Seven Dwarves
Name of Human DNA term
What is the Double Helix
Country that opened Starbucks after the US
What is Japan
Previously known as Mount McKinely
What is Mount Denali
Best selling Book of all Time
What is the Bible
This 1968 sci-film directed by Stanley Kubrick is known for its groundbreaking visuals and thematic complexity
What is 2001: A Space Odyssey
Only metal to ne liquid form at Room Temperature
What is Mercury
Known as the "Father of India", he led the country to independence through non violent protest.
Who is Mahatma Ghandi
Delivered by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, this speech is known for "government of the people, by the people, for the people".
What is the Gettysburg Address
Scotlands Mythical Mascot
What is the Unicorn
This Russian Author wrote War and Peace
Who is Leo Tolstoy
Splitting Atomic Nuclei Term
What is Nuclear Fission
Only country without an active Volcano
What is Australia
The amount of US Presidents assasinated (successfully)
What is 4
Amount of Time Zones on France
What is 12