What are the agreements
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Have Fun
What are the 2 components of Enrichment
Should you be out of your seat unless told otherwise?
When do we play soccer and what is it called?
Monday Wednesday Soccer for Success
What is AAH
Academic Achievement Hour
What is the first think we do before starting a new component?
Class agreements and think together agreements
What do we do for STEM
answer may vary: create, invention adventure, design, engineer, invent
Who should be in focus group? Who should be in group?
Students who need help.
Students who can work together.
What do we do on Tuesday and Thursday?
What is SEL?
Social Emotional Learning
When is it ok to walk out the classroom?
Neva eva
What do we do for VAPA
answer may vary: express on paper, art, work with colors, lines, shapes, textures
Whats in the choice group?
What do we do fridays?
Fulcrum Fridays
What is BMS
Behavior Management System
True or false: When I check in with my PL in the cafeteria, I can leave the cafeteria without anyone looking
What is SEL? Name examples of SEL
Social Emotional Learning
Ex: Care Bear Chart, 1 High, 1 Low, Feelings Chart, sanford harmony cards
What are the three groups we have in AAH?
Focus, group, choice
What do we do before and after CATCH?
Take off nametags, warm up, and cool down
What does lol mean
lots of love
If Ms. Ruth has to talk to you after your think sheet/second warning, what is Ms. Ruth doing next?
Where are your materials in the class?
Everybody point to the materials!
If I have a question, what do I do to show I need help?
Use the red/green help cards
You should always participate in CATCH but if you aren't feeling well you...
Walk the boundaries.
What is CPA
Core Program Assessment