Soft Skill Savvy
Team Dynamics
Conflict Resolution
Professional Etiquette
Leadership & Influence

This is the process of sharing information between individuals using words, symbols, signs, or behaviors.

What is communication?


This term refers to the cooperative efforts of a group to achieve a common goal.

What is teamwork?


This term refers to a disagreement or clash between ideas, principles, or people.

 what is conflict?


This term refers to the formal manners and rules that are followed in a professional setting.

What is etiquette?


This person in a team or organization sets direction, make decisions, and motivates others  to achieve goals.

What is a leader?


This skill involves listening to understand the speaker's message and responding thoughfully. 

What is active listening?


This role within a team involves guiding the team, setting goals, and ensuring smooth operation.

What is a team leader?


This conflict resolution strategy involves both parties making concessions to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

What is compromise.


This form of address involves using someone's last name and title, such as Mr., Ms., or Dr., in professional settings.

What is formal address.


This type of leadership style involves making decisions base on the input and consensus of the group.

What is democratic leadership?


This type of communication relies on body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice rather than words

What is nonverbal communication?


This process involves assigning specific tasks to team members based on their skills and strengths.

What is delegation?


This type of communication involves expressing one's needs and desires while respecting other's needs. 

What is assertive communication?


This etiquette practice involves responding to messages promptly and professionally.

What is timely communication?


This term refers to the ability to inspire and motivate others to take action.

What is influence?


This skill involves understanding and managing your emotions, as well as recognizing and influencing the emotions of others.

What is emotional intelligence.


This concept involves sharing information and making decisions collectively rather than individuals.

What is collaboration?


This term describes a situation where a neutral third party helps disputing parties reach a resolution.

What is mediation.


This term refers to the dress code that is appropriate for a workspace or professional event. 

What is professional attire.


This leadership quality involves the ability to adapt one's approach and behavior in response to changing circumstances.

What is flexibility?


This term refers to the ability to express ideas clearly and effectively in both speaking and writing.

What is articulation?


This term describes the phenomenon where individuals in a group may contribute less effort because they feel less accountable.

What is social loafing?


This confilict resolution approach focuses on finding a win-win solution that satisfies the interests of all parties involved.

What is collaboration or integrative negotiation?


This concept involves understanding and adapting to the social norms and expectations of a workplace culture.

What is culture competence?


This theory suggests that effective leadership depends on the appropriate match between a leader's style and the demands of the situation.

What is the contingency theory of leadership?