Where does the book take place?
The murder of who servers as a catalyst to the rest of the plot?
Who is Aisha?
Delilah's best friend
What relative of Delilah's passed away?
Her father
Who is Logan's first love?
What do several characters point out about Delilah's appearance?
She looks like Sophie.
What is the library being used to cover-up?
Detective Mendez is introduced as...
Brandon's Partner.
The library
The first way Logan stalks Delilah is through her...
Social media accounts
Delilah's mom is allergic to
Aisha had to distract Logan so Delilah could...
Sneak into Logan's room.
The manager of the library is...
What university does Delilah want to attend?
The National University of Singapore/NUS
When does Logan tell Delilah he loves her.
Their first date.
What is the bio lab's snake's name?
What does Detective Mendez discover at Delilah's neighbor's house?
Cameras that point into Delilah's garage.
Logan's councilor's name
Ms. Taylor
What sport does Delilah play?
What does Logan believe about his relationship with Delilah?
They are soulmates
What does Delilah call the pasta Logan made her?
Stalketti Carbonara
What did Delilah do when left alone with Logan's laptop?
Ruin his college essay.
What is the name of one of Logan's friends besides Josh?
Matt, Moni, Hannah, or Tonya.
What is the name OR genre of Delilah's favorite book series?
The Merlion Murders/suspense
Logan has an affinity for the rover...
Jade Rabbit/Yutu