List the 4 types of precipitation
Rain, hail, sleet, snow
Meteorologist use this to create patterns
If Waldo visited Ecuador what type of climate would he be in?
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
What season would Taylor Swift wear her cardigan?
Patterns help meteorologist make what?
What does Waldo need to pack for his trip to a polar zone?
winter coat boats
What do weather and climate have in common
precipition and temperature
In Back to December, Taylor talks about revisiting the cold of December. What hemisphere is she on?
Northern Hemisphere
What tool helps tell what the direction the wind is blowing?
Wind Vane
If Taylor was singing Cruel Summer in Brazil what hemisphere is she on?
What instrument measures how much rain we got?
Rain Gauge
Waldo wonders why the Southern hemisphere is closer to the sun during January. You tell them that this is because the Earth spins on what?
An axis
What is the difference between weather and climate
the period of time
Taylor talks about bad blood colliding. When warm and cold air collide it is called?
A front
A thermometer measures
Temperature climates are found over what lines of Latitude?
Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn