IV gauge sizes and colors
16- Grey
18- Green
20- Pink
22- Blue
24- Yellow
What is involved in informed consent
Diagnosis, proposed treatment, risk, benefits, alternate treatments, and their risk and benefits.
What does the small intestine absorb? what about the large?
The small intestine is involved in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.
The large intestine is involved in the absorption of water and in the production of vitamins.
Low pitched speech with little to no back ground noise if possible, make sure room is well lit so they can read lips, even try writing spoken info down.
Factors that affect sexuality?
How they perceive themselves as sexual beings, developmental, life style, illnesses, medications, sexual desire, alcohol, lack of sleep, lack of times, issues in a realtionship.
How many leads are placed on a 12 lead?
Manifestations of hypoxemia
SOB, cough, wheezing, confusion, fast HR, rapid breathing
How do these affect urine? Anticoagulants, Phenazopyridine, B-complex vitamins and Levodopa
Anticoagulants: May cause hematuria (pink or red color)
Phenazopyridine: UTI analgesic (causes orange red color)
B-complex vitamins: Causes blue- green color
Levodopa: Causes brown- black color
What scale is used to measure ETOH withdraw? What is the highest score? Is a high score good or bad?
CIWA. Highest score is 67.
Mild 0-8
Moderate 9-15
Severe >16
What sites should not be used for an IV?
12 Lead places
V1 4th intercostal space Right of sternum
V2 4th intercostal space Left of sternum
V3- Between V2&V4
V4- 5th intercostal space midcavicular line
V5- Anterior axillary line same level as V4
V6- Midaxillary line same level as V4&V5
RL- below torso above ankle (right)
RA- between right shoulder-wrist (right)
LL- below torso above ankle (left)
LA- between left shoulder and wrist (left)
What causes metabolic alkalosis?
Nasogastric suctioning, vomiting, baking soda,
What does HOPE stand for?
H- Sources of hope, meaning comfort, strength, peace
O- organized religion
P- personal spirituality and practice
E- effects on medical care and end-of- of life issues
What is palliative surgery? Give examples
Relives or reduces intensity of disease symptoms; does not produce cure.
Ex: Colostomy, debridement of necrotic tissue, resection of nerve rods.
Examples of biotechnology
Insulin, vaccines, gene therapy
What does the P wave mean? PR? QRS?
P- 1st atrial depolarization <.10, followed by QRS (Atrial contraction)
PR- Time between atrial depolarization & ventricular depolorization.
QRS- Ventricles contracting
Diarrhea, starvation, lactic acid build up from spesis or shock, liver failure, CKD, ESRD, DKA, alcohol use, cancer, intense exercise.
Define oliguria
Urine output <100mL/day or <20mL/hr
Surgical risk factors
What is NIHSS used for?
Steps in administering a blood transfusion
Ensure requires testing/consent has been completed
Educate the client
Initiate IV (18-22g) or flush existing IV to check patency
Assess and document baseline vital signs
Prepare IV tubing with 250-500 mL NS (0.9% NaCl)
Receive blood from blood bank
Verify blood with second RN
Assess and document baseline vitals
Using IV pump, administer transfusion at ordered rate
Monitor client per hospital policy
What causes respiratory acidosis?
Overdose, COPD, PE, pulmonary edema, atelectasis, obesity, asthma
Drug interactions for Chamomile, Echinacea, Garlic, and Saw Palmetto
Chamomile: Reduce inflammation or as a calming agent (drugs that cause drowsiness, barbiturates, narcotics, antidepressants)
Echinacea: Used for upper respiratory conditions (anitrejection meds and others drugs that weaken the immune system, antiretrovirals, HIV/AIDS meds)
-Garlic: Inhibit platelet aggregation, used to lower cholesterol/ BP (Warfarin and blood thinners)
Saw Palmetto: Used in BPH, prevents prostate cell multiplication (Finasteride and anti androgen drugs)
When transferring a critical ill pt, how many people should you have? Name them.
ICU nurse and RT.
What size IV for a blood transfusion
18-20 G