Workplace Safety
Kitchen Safety
Personal Hygiene
Kitchen Tools

This sign is blue which is a __________ sign. What does this sign mean?

A. mandatory
B. optional

Mandatory; you must wear gloves if you see this sign


True or False?

You can use the SAME cutting board to prep raw meat, vegetables, and fruit?

FALSE; raw meat contains lots of bacteria/germs. 

Use different cutting board when cooking with raw meat, vegetables, and fruit.


True or False?

I can pick my nose or ear if it's itchy then wear gloves to work with food.

FALSE; these germs can make your customers sick... WASH your hands then wear gloves.

Don't touch your face, ears, or hair when working with food. 


This tool is used to scrape extra dough from a mixing bowl.

A. rubber spatula
B. whisk
C. rolling pin

Rubber spatula


This popular cake is made out of three different types of milk. (We might make this during Hispanic Heritage Month!)

Tres leches cake


Yellow signs are __________ signs.

A. warning/caution
B. optional

Warning/Caution; be extra careful when you see yellow signs.


How long can milk stay out of the fridge?

Up to 2 hours, according to the USDA.

(We say 30 minutes here in our cafe to be EXTRA safe).


True or False?

Your nails should be clean, short, and regularly trimmed.

True; clean hands = clean, safe food to serve customers/no one getting sick :)


This tool can be used to mix lots of dough.

Kitchen mixer (REMEMBER; put on STIR mode when adding flour...or else it will POOF and make a mess).


This week we made sugar cookies. What was our secret ingredient? 

Orange zest


True or False?

When lifting an object, lift with your legs NOT your back. (Think of a frog)

True! This will protect your back and cause less stress on your body.


True or False?

Does the 5 second rule apply in the food service industry - if I drop a cookie then pick it up in less than 5 seconds, can we still sell it to customers?

FALSE; germs don't wait. They'll cover the cookie as soon as it touches the ground.


True or False?

You must take your apron and gloves off BEFORE going to the restroom.

TRUE; the bathroom has germs and you don't want germs getting on your apron and gloves. You'll be working with food that our customers will eat.


This tool can be used to mix spices in a bowl.



Which zone does this person look like he's in?

What can he do to get in the green zone?

Red zone; he's got a frown on his face and is running on top of a desk to go hit someone.

He can go take a 3-5 minute break in the restroom to cool himself down, get a drink of water, or take some deep breathes. 


When opening a hot oven, what must you wear?

Oven mitts. Open the oven slowly and do NOT have your face close to the oven when opening it. 


You sneezed into the flour container... what should you do? 

Let a teacher/supervisor know. Throw away the is contaminated with germs. 

Best practice: Wear a mask when working with food. ALWAYS wash your hands and change gloves after sneezing. Sneeze INTO your elbow AWAY from the food.


Proper handwashing means washing your hands for at least ____ seconds with _____ water and ______.

Wash hands for 20 seconds with WARM water and SOAP.


This machine is used to make drinks such as lattes and americanos.

a. espresso machine

b. coffee maker

Espresso machine


What is the highest-grossing (made the most money) film of all time?

Avengers: End Game


You drop a coffee pot and the glass shatters on the ground. What should you do?

Tell a supervisor/teacher immediately. We can show you how to clean it up. Get a broom and sweep it up.


When working in the kitchen, how should you hold scissors or a knife if handing it to someone?

DOWN; the sharp part should be down.


Complete the sentence.

Proper hygiene means taking a shower _______, putting on _________, brushing my teeth _______ a day, flossing, and using skincare (lotion, sunscreen) to keep myself healthy and looking professional.

A. daily, deodorant, twice
B. weekly, perfume, once

Proper hygiene means taking a shower everyday, putting on deodorant, brushing my teeth twice a day, flossing, and using skincare (lotion, sunscreen) to keep myself healthy and looking professional.


We prep and place cookies on here to bake in the oven.

Baking sheet/tray


Which country was the first to give women the right to vote?

A. Sweden
B. New Zealand

New Zealand (in 1893)