What is the name of the tiger in Winnie the Pooh?
What bending can only strong water benders do?
Guess the movie
1 XOR 1 =
____ were first domesticated on the territory of the present Kazakhstan
Movie about opposites (name)
In which situation did Toph learn to metal bend? What was the reasoning/insight behind it?
Toph learns to metalbend after she is captured in a metal cage by people who were sent by her parents to retrieve her.
She realizes that metal contains small amounts of earth, which she can manipulate.
Guess the song
Poker Face
Who is often credited as the first programmer?
Ada Lovelace
Population of Kazakhstan in 2023 (closest number)
Who was the first disney character to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
Mickey Mouse
What bending did Avatar Roku do that no other avatar have done?
Lava bending
Guess the movie
Jungle Book
translates human readable domain names to machine readable IP addresses
DNS (Domain Name System)
In which century Mongol Empire invasion happened?
In the 13th century
Which disney princess has a tattoo?
Aang is one of the most powerful avatars because of one of his own discoveries. What did he discover & what does he do with it?
Energy Bending; Takes Ozai's firebending away.
Guess the movie
How does Shazam work (algo)?
Spectogram is the very basis of Shazam’s audio fingerprint algorithm. We can think of it as a condensed digital summary of a song.
Once the audio fingerprint is created, it gets stored in the database in the form of a hash table.
Which Juz was the first one to join Russian Empire, and under which Khan?
Kishi Juz under Khan Abulhair