Name That Part
Engineering Materials
Physics Fundamentals
Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
Who's that Pokemon?

This part provides side bolstering to the driver

What is the seat


This strong, lightweight metal is often used in aerospace and automotive applications due to its excellent strength-to-weight ratio.

What is aluminum?


These are the 6 Degrees of Freedom.
(+100 Bonus points if you can give their names as well)

What are Translation in XYZ and Yaw, Pitch, and Roll?


This simple machine that consists of two inclined planes situated back-to-back and are often used to split objects.

What is a wedge?


This body member said the following:
“There is good in the world. There is ANSYS”

Who is Ryan Gretta


This lightweight tubular component, often made of chromoly steel or carbon fiber, acts as the backbone of the FSAE car, providing structural rigidity and housing the cockpit, engine, and suspension components.

What is the space frame chassis (or monocoque chassis)?


These are the 3 main types of welding. (Bonus points of +100 per extra welding type mentioned)

What are TIG, MIG, Stick


This is formula is used to find the reactionary force of a spring.

What is Hooke's Law (F=-kx)


This is a strong fibrous cord that connects the muscles in the back of your calf to your heel bone.

What is the Achilles Heel/Tendon?


This individual has switched subsystem 2 times.

Who is Reagan 


This ergo project is used to shift gears while driving

What are Paddle Shifters


The property of a material to deform into a new shape without breaking

What is malleability/ductility


This property is an objects resistance to rotational motion.

What is Moment of Inertia?


There are this number of pints in 1 gallon.

What is 8 pints?


This body member had this conversation with a girl.
___: “I play guitar”
Girl: “Electric guitar?”
___: “No combustion”

Who is Zach Black


This is the crumple zone on the front of the car. (Also the project that Ryan talks about the most)

What is the Impact Attenuator


Air, fuel, compression, and this are the four key ingredients that power a gas engine.

What is a spark?


This is when two objects collide and stick together

What is an inelastic collision


This is the science that defines physical measures of a person's size, form, and functional capacities 

What is anthropometrics


These two individuals in LHRIC are often confused for each other.

Who are Nigel and Khoi (or who is Nigel and Nigel)


This effects body's contribution to the cars center of mass the most

What is the driver

This metallurgical process involves heating and cooling metal to alter its structure and increase its hardness or toughness.

What is heat treatment?


The change of momentum over time is also known as this.

What is impulse


Given the length of one side, this is how I would calculate the area of a Hexagon

What is use the formula 3sqrt(3)/2 *s^2

or divide the hexagon into 6 equilateral triangles


These current body members participated in the welding of the frame last year. (3 individuals)

Who are Tommy, Nigel, and Fernanda