Pre Conquest Literature
Post Conquest Literature
The Renaissance
Restoration and the 18th Century
British Literary Authors

This Pre-Conquest poem had the Rood and the Warrior along with many transformations such as a tree becoming a cross. 

What is The Dream of the Rood?


This pandemic was an inspiration for many works of literature, most famously the Decameron written in 1353

What is the Black Death?

This literary form has 14 lines, an iambic pentameter, and a rhyme scheme

What is a sonnet?


People were represented as household objects in this imaginative place.

What is the Cave of Spleen?


Margery Kempe published this book, the first autobiography in English.

What is The Book of Margery Kempe?


These poems are title-less and feature the topic of losing something.  

What are Elegies?


Marriage in no real excuse for not loving and love can deny nothing to love are the rules for courtly love written by this man.

Who is Andreas Capellanus?


This "world" has few laws and has a social class where men are superior to women. 

What is The Blazing World?


This African American man was a family man, composer who wrote letters to many he knew and had many neologisms in his writing.

Who is Ignatius Sancho?


He wrote the Knight's Tale and The Wife of Bath & Clerk

Who was Chaucer?


British Literature in the Pre- Conquest period was written and consumed in these places

What are Abbeys and Monasteries?


This collection of stories is from a pilgrimage that took place during spring and was Chaucer's magnum opus.

What are the Canterbury Tales?


Satan meets these guardians of the gates of Hell as he makes his way towards Earth.

Who are Sin and Death?


This story which opens up in a London playhouse is about performance, something that Haywood was knowledgeable about. 

What is Fantomina?


The Spectator was published daily by this duo.

Who is Joseph Addison and Richard Steele?


This title character whose name is also the title of a elegy was a warrior who made peace instead of creating conflict

Who was Beowulf?


The story has a ambiguous ending as this character is rescued by his lover who comes by horse as he is put to trial by the king. 

Who is Lanval?


This idea is emphasized in John Milton's Paradise Lost as Satan displays it multiple times in Milton's story.

What is the idea of Persuasion?
This story features a Baron wanting a lock of Belinda's hair and includes facets of consumerism in it.

What is The Rape of the Lock?


Arthurian Epics such as the Morte Darthur were written by this man.

Who is Sir Thomas Malory?

These animals were admired by many during the pre-conquest period and were also the subject of many writing during this period.

What are cats?


When imagining the crucifixion, Julian compares this to raindrops and the scales of a herring.

What is blood?


John Donne was the inspiration for this code name given by Oppenheimer as he detonated the first nuclear weapon.

What is Trinity


Britain was very much involved in the Transatlantic slave trade and transported this many slaves over 4 decades.

What is over 300,000?


She was a novelist and playwright who wrote a journal and addressed the journal to nobody.

Who is Frances Burney?