American Revolution
Loyal to the King
The Acts
The War of 1812
Coming to the Colony

The War of American Independence stemmed from a reaction of the people of the Thirteen Colonies in response to:

  1. high taxes on British imports

  2. trade restrictions allowing trade only with Britain

  3. a lack of control over daily affairs in the Thirteen Colonies


The people of the Thirteen Colonies that remained loyal to Britain were known as the

United Empire Loyalist


The act creating Upper and Lower Canada

Constitutional Act of 1791


One reason why the War of 1812 began

American sailors were kidnapped by the British


A person who moves to a new country. The definition best describes:



How was British North America impacted by the rebellion in the 13 colonies?

 Many British-speaking Loyalists moved out of the 13 colonies and travelled north to settle on lands still

controlled by the British crown.


The supporters of the American War of Independence reacted to the United Empire Loyalists by:

discriminating and using violence toward the Loyalists


The outcome from the War of 1812 that is still visible today is the:

the 49th parallel of latitude, which was established as the political boundary between
    the United States and Canada


The decision of Tecumseh and his soldiers to stay and fight displays which characteristic of First Nations people?

Devotion to the British


Determine which push and pull factors would work BEST together to encourage an immigrant farmer to come to Canada from Europe?

No land at home and free land in Canada


Why did the invasion of Quebec City by American Rebels fail?

  1. There was a blinding snowstorm

  2. The rebels got lost in Québec City’s maze of narrow streets.

  3. They were easy targets for the British and Canadien defenders, who fired on them from the walls


The creation of the colony of New Brunswick was a result of:

  1. he poor treatment many Loyalists endured

  2. the resentment of Loyalists that Nova Scotia had not suffered


The Constitutional Act of 1791 gave the British colonies a new form of government

Legislative Assembly and governor


The War of 1812 tested the loyalty of the British North American colonies because:

American colonists outnumbered the Loyalists four to one


One of the obstacles that the new immigrants faced was:

  1. disease aboard ship on the way to Canada

  2. clearing the dense vegetation on their land once they arrived in Canada

  3. the rugged environment found in Canada

  4. a harsh climate including bitterly cold winters


The supporters of the American War of Independence reacted to the United Empire Loyalists by

discriminating and using violence toward the Loyalists


The Loyalists resettled in many locations, including Québec. Many Loyalists did not think this was the ideal location because:

there was a language issue and there was a difference in religion


The act that created a single colony with 2 provinces 

Act of Union


Who won the War of 1812?

ended in a DEADLOCK


There were different social classes of immigrants making their way to the North American colonies. One of the ways that this class division was apparent on the ships coming to the colonies was the

difference in accommodations on board that was influenced by how much money you had


Name an event the people of the 13 Colonies protested British Laws

  1. Golden Hill Riot, NY

  2.  Boston Massacre

  3. Attack on the HMS Gaspee


The people who remained loyal to the King of England were seen as _______________________________ by many of the colonists in the Thirteen Colonies.



Durham was prejudiced, he failed to recognize the contributions the Canadiens made to Canada & that they had a distinct National Identity. Name the Act that rooted this cause for a distinct Nation identity.

The Quebec Act of 1774. 


How did the Canadian / British react to American soldiers looted York’s shops & houses & burned down the colony’s government building  

Britain’s Canadian Subjects fought back & invaded Washington, DC & burned down the U.S government buildings (includes the Whitehouse)


Between 1815 and 1850, more than 800 000 immigrants came to British North America during the Great Migration. A “push factor” for people to leave their homelands was:

the famine in Ireland