what year did I start going to therapy?
what is 2020
what do i fall asleep to every night
what is smosh videos
what year was a born?
what is 2007
where’s tonia?
what is who tf knows
how old was i when i had my first real kiss?
what is 12
what was the first medication i took
what is zoloft
what musical have i been obsessed with since 2019
what is hamilton
when’s my birthday?
what is may 3rd
what class(es) is my favorite this year?
what is small tap and thursday classes
what did i do at recess as a kid?
what is play by myself (or play 2 square)
how old was i when i started my period?
what is 13 years old
who is my favorite character?
who is bluey
what’s my favorite color?
what is orange
where did cheryl say i was, on the dance moms pyramid?
where is the bottom.
who’s my favorite cat?
who is pumpkin
what medication(s) am i on right now?
what is lexapro and concerta
what’s my favorite dinosaur?
what is a brachiosaurus
what is my favorite food?
what is mexican
what’s my favorite dance this year?
what is small tap
why did i get suspended from school for a week?
what is for smoking weed
what are my current mental health diagnosis?
what are ocd and adhd
what stuffed animal brand do i love that people hate?
what are fugglers
what is my all time favorite show?
what is community
what’s been the biggest dance tea that’s been spilt this year? hint: only two kids know
what is lily’s dad and tonia
scenario: i’m in the apocalypse, what’s the three things i need to survive?
what are my emotional support water bottle with water in it ofc, my meds, and my phone for youtube time