The mass is a wedding, also known as the “____ ______” between Christ and his Bride, the ________
Marriage feast and the church
Where does the Church get this idea of bishops, cardinals, etc. and successors?
Explain the difference between a disciple and an apostle.
Christ had disciples, men and women of all ages and backgrounds who were attracted to his message and believed in him - Christ called twelve men to be Apostles, appointed "to be with him"
What did St. Augustine write that helps us understand typology especially when it
comes to the Old and New Testament?
He wrote the NT is concealed in the OT and the OT is revealed in the NT
Why are The New Mass and the Old Mass both allowed in the Catholic Church?
Because they are both mass.
What are the three main jobs of these successors?
To preach for repentance, to forgive sins, and to protect the liturgy.
Jesus’ central message for his life, all of his actions, were to proclaim the ________
List some examples of Typology from your notes and explain what they mean and how we get that connection
• Christ as the “New Adam”
• Mary as the “New Eve”
• Noah’s Ark as the Church
• Passover meal as the Holy Mass
• Manna in the desert as the Eucharist
Why is it not enough that God is present in the Tabernacle? Why does, in the
simplest terms, “God want you to eat Him”?
He wants you to embrace him
What is divine filiation, and when do we get it? (slide 15)
We are disciples with apostl perks.
We are disciples with apostle perks.
What TWO parables are the most famous? explain why they are important
Parable of the Wheat and Parable of the mustard seed
What is the most important moment in the Liturgy?
The transubstantiation
What are the three specific examples in which Jesus talks about the Liturgy?
The Feeding of the Five Thousand, The Last Supper, The Mean at Emmaus
What happens during the Transubstantiation, and how does it relate to the human construct of time?
earthly things to divine things , time stops in the mass
Why can we assume that Jesus lived a normal life?
everyone who heard him talk about the messiah were confused as to how he knew them
Why do we say that heaven and earth meet in the liturgy?
the mass is a transition from eartly things to divine
Why are each three specific examples above important?
The Feeding of the Five Thousand: Christ revealed that he was the living bread who would give eternal life to all who ate him
– The Last Supper: Christ instituted the priesthood and instructed his Apostles to celebrate the Eucharist
– The Meal at Emmaus: Disciples recognized Christ’s Presence in the breaking of the bread
Who did Jesus trust the most to leave the secret of the liturgy to? Aka his best friend?
Why is it important that God sent Christ in “the fullness of time”?
Its a specific time and place
what is gods name and what does it reveal about his nature
I AM WHO AM; God stays the same