Community Building

How can you build a classroom community?

I can build a classroom community by including others, understanding and accepting people's differences, and being kind and encouraging in the classroom. 


Define Self-Awareness

an awareness of one's own personality or individuality


What strategies can you use to be more self-aware?

Making a list of the things you like and dislike, being patient and understanding that you are always changing and growing, writing down your values and their importance to you, and asking yourself questions when you're unsure how you're feeling.


Why is community important in a school setting?

Community is important in a school setting because it helps create a safe space by encouraging a positive learning environment.


Define Community

a group of people who share something in common


Why is it dangerous to compare yourself to others?

Comparing yourself to others can lead to negative feelings towards yourself resulting in low self-esteem and confidence.


How can you build a better community in the classroom?

You can build a better community in the classroom by including others, getting to know your peers without judgment, being kind and respectful, etc.


Define Values

individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another


What can we learn about ourselves by looking at our past and our future?

Reflecting on our past selves allows us the opportunity to see where we once were and where we are. It can also motivate us to reach a goal by being/doing better than before.


What helps someone feel like they belong?

When you put in the effort to include others, be kind and empathetic, it can allow others to feel like they belong.


Define Ethnicity

the social group a person belongs to, and either identifies with or is identified with by others.


How does knowing a little about each other’s backgrounds help to build community in our classroom?

When you know a little bit about each other's backgrounds it allows you the opportunity to understand what makes them who they are. 


Define Characteristics

a special quality or appearance that makes an individual or group different from others