Pics and charts and data, OH MY!
Population, Population Trends and Population Density
Demographics and Development
Migration & Settlement Patterns

The population shape of a country whose population is declining. 

A cup!


Of the 5 points listed below, find the 1 that a ___________ ________ does NOT tell us about a country.

-Whether a population is growing or shrinking

-The density of populations in capital cities

-How wealthy or developed a country is

-The dependency ratio - how many old and very young people versus people of working age

-The percentage of males and females in each country  

The density of populations in capital cities


the study of population growth

What is Demography?


A permanent move likely applies to __________,

whereas a temporary move likely applies to _______.




Male and Female

What do the two sides of the X-Axis of a population pyramid represent?


The growth of favelas, or slums, such as the one in the image below in Brazil, happen when...

...large numbers of migrants from rural areas, who have no money to properly settle in city centers, settle in the outskirts of a city where there is very little or no infrastructure.


Country B has many older people and children dependent on working age people. What statistic does this describe?

What is the "dependency ratio?"


The Human development index measures which 3 things?

Life expectancy, GDP/GNI per capital, and mean (average) years of education (literacy rates).


The Emancipation Proclamation legally freed African-Americans who were enslaved in the southern part of the United States. This resulted in long-term ________-________ of African-Americans migrating from the South to other regions of the United States.



Religious tolerance in a migrant’s chosen destination.

A stable government in a migrant’s chosen destination.

Plentiful jobs in a migrant’s chosen destination.

What are examples of Pull Factors?


What are the characteristics of a nation with this shaped population pyramid?

Pyramid shape representing a post-developed or late-stage developed country, like Japan or Germany. Low birth rates, High life expectancy, declining death rates. Not enough babies being born to replace the large number of elderly deaths.


The number of people living in a specific area.


Population Density


characteristic of societies currently in the last stage of demographic transition?

An aging Population


Intensive and productive agriculture in the Ganges Valley and Nile Valley, made possible because of the proximity to rivers, are reasons why...

...these locations have comparatively high population densities.   


Reasons why population growth slows and eventually declines in Developed countries.

More and more women are pursuing education and careers.

Increased levels of education.

Women are more likely to use contraceptives.


Why is the population of men relative to women aged 20-29 so different? What country is this? 

Lower amount of young men is due to the number of deaths in WWII. This is Germany.


Women tend to have less children as countries move further along the demographic transition model and become more developed because

Development correlates with education, which correlates with lower birth rates

Countries in this region of Africa are at this stage of the Development Model and have the ___________ birth rates in the world.

What is Sub-Saharan Africa; What is Most Undeveloped (least developed); Highest Birth Rates


The move from rural to urban areas as workers wanted factory jobs.

What population pattern did many societies see as a result of the Industrial Revolution?


a country that ranks very low or even last on the HDI correlates with having a _______ infant mortality rate and _______ literacy rate.

HIGH infant mortality rate and LOW literacy rate.


In a Demographic Transition Model, what do the 3 lines represent?

A = Total Population

B = Death Rate

C = Birth Rate


These are all characteristics of a __________ country.

Rapidly increasing population. 

The birth rate is high and infant mortality rate is slowly decreasing.

Beginning to industrialize and

Changes will be seen in the demographics over time

What is "Developing?"

Humans settle in large numbers in these types of areas.

Developed; Where there is adequate precipitation and fertile land for growth; Where the elevation is not too high.


The Americas contained an abundance of fertile land creating economic opportunity are reasons why...

Europeans migrated to the Americas during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.


Discrimination, Persecution, the Holocaust are reasons why...

...Jewish people sought asylum in places like the United States in the 1930's and 1940's.


The shaded areas are Megacities or Megalopolises, meaning they have more than 10 million people. They are all located near this Physical Geographic feature


The 20th Century has been an era of record population _______, which reflects the general trend in world population since 1930.



A countries birth rate exceeds its death rate by a ratio of 3 to 1, means that a growing number of people will be competing for a limited amount of natural resources, resulting in this long-term problem.

Pollution and a lack of resources will continue to be a problem.


Pull factors such as jobs and political freedom attract immigrants are this kind of Geographic feature that influences settlement patterns.

What are HUMAN Geographic features.


Common demographic pattern in both the United States and Europe

Highly urban populations (as would be expected in a Developed region).