
10. “How all occasions do inform against me and spur my dull revenge!” (IV.iv.32-33).

Who said it? 

Who heard it? 

What do we call the passage the quote is part of? 


no one



Who said it?

What is this speaker talking about? 

Why is this character a foil for Hamlet? 


Vowing to avenge his dad's death

He doesn't hesitate to get revenge unlike Hamlet


“Let in a maid that out a maid never departed more.” (IV.v.37).

Who said it? 

Who was it said to? 

What might the speaker be telling the listener, in her own way? 


Claudius and Gertrude

She's expressing her grief and losing her innocence; this may be why she's going crazy


Which character tells Hamlet, “Do not for ever with thy vailèd lids seek for thy noble father in the dust” (I.ii.71)?

___________________________________. What did this character mean? 

Why is Hamlet in conflict with this character in Act I?

King Claudius said it

He's telling Hamlet to stop mourning over his father

Hamlet suspects he had something to do with his father's death


54. “To thine own self be true” (I.iii.77-79): this famous advice is given to 

by . Having finished the play, why is this quote ironic?

Laeretes given by Polonius

Polonius is being hypocritical.