Friendship Qualities
No Drama Llama
TV Friends

Caring about others feelings and wanting to help them when they are going through a tough time; an action that shows concern for others



A feeling of hope about how something will turn out; confidence in the outcome of a situation or failure



TR_ _ T

Trust: believing in someone and knowing that you can rely on them to keep their promises and do the right thing


You overhear someone at the lunch table say that Bob is going to break up with Sally at recess today.

What is the best option?

A - spread the news further down the lunch table.

B - stay out of it. It’s none of my business and I don’t want to make the situation worse especially if I misheard the information.

C - talk to Bob and convince him not to break up with Sally.

B: it’s best to stay out of it. Bob could have been joking or a friend could’ve made it up. If you were to gossip and start a rumor with this information, it could cause problems in a relationship you’re not even a part of. Eat your mac & cheese and keep it to yourself!


Who is SpongeBob’s best friend?

Patrick Star


Being kind to yourself when things are tough, treating yourself with the same kindness as you would a friend 



Those girls are always hang out together. I bet they don’t want any new friends.

How can you reframe this with an optimistic outlook?

Reframe: those girls have a strong bond. I have never asked them to hang out. Maybe I could ask them to come to my birthday party.


L_YA_ _Y

Loyalty: sticking by your friends and being there for them no matter what 


One of your close friends is talking badly about another member of your friend group.

What is the best choice?

A - join in the conversation and describe the problems I have with that same friend

B - stick up for the friend “I think__ is pretty cool” and I don’t think we should talk badly about one another 

C- change the subject. Let’s talk about llamas instead llamas are much more fun to talk about than drama

D - text the friend to let him or her know what was said 

B & C: You should either stick up for your friend or change the subject completely. Standing up for someone does not mean you have to be angry at the friend for talking about that person. You simply say something kind about the other friend request your friend avoids talking about other friends while you’re around because you don’t want to be involved, you also have the option to walk away and leave what was said inside your head. 


Who is Pumbaas best friend?



What is an act of compassion?

Giving someone a hug or making them laugh when they feel down; including someone who is left out of a game or activity; sharing toys; standing up for a friend who is being teased or bullied; giving compliments


She can’t keep a secret. She tells everyone every single thing she hears.

How can you reframe this experience with an optimistic outlook?

She likes to talk to other people. Next time I have good news, I’ll tell her so she can share it with others!


K_ N_ _ _ _ S

Kindness: being friendly, helpful, and caring towards others


Your friend told you about a crush they have.

What is the best choice?

A - try to convince the crush to ask my friend to the next school dance

B - tell the rest of my friend group

C - keep it to myself. He or she might not be ready for anyone else to know.

C: this is another situation you should keep to yourself. Your friend trust you with this information and a strong friendship contains loyalty and trust.


Who is Mickey Mouse’s best friend?

Donald Duck


What is an act of self-compassion?

Giving yourself a hug/ pat on the back; talking kindly to yourself “it’s ok to make mistakes” or “I’ll do better next time”; taking deep breaths; reminding yourself of your strengths; doing something you enjoy; rest and taking breaks 


I wish I looked like her. 

How can you reframe this experience with an optimistic outlook?

She has her own unique style. I can be comfortable and confident in my own style.


SH_ _ I_G

Sharing: giving some of what you have to someone else


You witness another student being bullied in PE class. The bully is shoving the other student on the arm.

What is the best choice?

A - continue playing basketball basketball on my my business. I don’t want to get shoved too!

B- let the PE coach or another nearby adult know what’s happening without drawing the attention of other students.

C - walk over and pull the student apart. Try to save the day!

B: This is a situation where you do not just stay out of it. If you see another student being harmed, the first thing you should do is tell, trusted adults. Putting yourself or the other students in the middle of a conflict would make the problem worse.


Who is Lilo’s best friend?



The ability to understand and share the feelings of others 



She is so full of herself. She thinks she is so great!

How can you reframe this experience to reflect an optimistic outlook?

Wow, she is really confident! She believes in herself.


R_S_ _ CT

Respect: treating others the way you want to be treated. It’s about listening to your friends, considering their feelings, and valuing their opinions, just like you would want them to do for you.


What are some ways to stop drama? (2/5)

Resist the urge to spread information to others

Distract others from gossip or rumors by changing the subject

Be honest about not wanting to be involved in gossip

Ignore gossip by not responding with words or walking away

Alert an adult if someone is being harmed with words or actions


Who is Elsa’s best friend?
